IP Port scanning?

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 04 Nov 2005 16:15:18 -0500


once AS is started, are they any components that scan IP ports and try
to bind a ServerSocket to it? I'm currently working on bug:

which is reproducable only on one Solaris machine using the admin gui
(the problem never happens when CLI is used). The problem occurs when
the admin-listener is reconfigured to listen for secure connection
(https) instead of plain connection (http). The admin-listener is
stopped, the ServerSocket closed, then a new SSLServerSocket is created
(ssl) one. The exception occur when trying to bind the new
SSLServerSocket, where a BindException is thrown. Everything run on the
same thread, so there is no possible race.

So I suspect something external to Grizzly is binding the port, since I
wasn't able to reproduce the problem using a simple test program that
bind, close, and bind an SSLServerSocket over and over.


-- Jeanfrancois

To "try" reproducing the problem using admin-gui

1. Open admin-gui
2. Configuration > Http Service > http listener > admin-listener
3. Disable security.
4. Save

With CLI:

% asadmin set -u admin -w adminadmin
% asadmin set -s -u admin -w adminadmin