Re: the future of the master passowrd

From: Kedar Mhaswade <kedar.mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 17:06:17 -0700

For Glassfish appserver, admin password and master password are not
required to start the domain/only-instance up. Please file a bug (if
you've not done so already), if for a default domain, "asadmin
start-domain" prompts for an admin password or a master password.

Good point, though.

The answer lies in what domains/instances you'd like to start (read
manage) from within the IDE.
- domain created by the IDE?
- domain created by someone else?

For the former, IDE is already an owner of the domain and they better
save the master password, if they created the domain with a non-default
value ("changeit", for now) for it. It is imperative (rightfully so,
IMO) that they provide the master password "on startup".

For the latter, you ask for all the credentials to the person who owns
the domain, so that you can start/stop/deploy to the domain.

In essence, no -- we are not doing away with starting a domain, simply
enough. But, we are not taking away the flexibility of "only password
startable domain/instance". Good, isn't it?


vince kraemer wrote:

> I am writing some code that allows users to start an app server
> instance from an IDE. Back in the day, folks could create-domain and
> they would get prompted for their password.
> A domain would start without any password..
> Then, the master password came along... and users could create a
> domain that has a master password. The user has to enter this
> password to start their instance
> Are we going to phase out the "no password startable domain/instance"?
> Thanks,vbk
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