Re: patch for results.mailhost

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 02 Aug 2005 18:51:11 -0400

Matthew L Daniel wrote:
>>Patch for specifying results.mailhost in
>>appserv-tests/ and appserv-tests/
>>has been integrated.
> Thank you!
>>On Linux systems, MIME attachments are not sent even after copying
>>mail.jar and activation.jar into ANT_HOME/lib/ant.
> What makes this "Linux system" specific? Do we know? I mean is that
> phrase used to mean "all systems not Solaris" or really just Linux?
> I would like to -1

Hehe my first -1 here :-)

the concept of (what amounts to) forking off an Ant
> process as a solution to this. If I understand the build process
> correctly, Maven is already executing Ant, even if it's just intra-VM,
> instead of being a true Maven build. My opposition is for anything that
> makes the build contain more hackery than it already does.
> I look forward to hearing the results of your investigation.

Actualy it not on Linux, but on win32. It seems copying the mail.jar
without forking on win32 makes Ant unable to load the jars. It is far
from perfect, and if you have a better solution, we should implement it.
Just take a look at glassfish/appserv-tests/devtests/web/build.xml to
see how I've implemented the hack.

-- Jeanfrancois

> -- /v\atthew
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