Re: patch for results.mailhost

From: Matthew L Daniel <>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2005 18:44:43 -0400

> Patch for specifying results.mailhost in
> appserv-tests/ and appserv-tests/
> has been integrated.

Thank you!

> On Linux systems, MIME attachments are not sent even after copying
> mail.jar and activation.jar into ANT_HOME/lib/ant.

What makes this "Linux system" specific? Do we know? I mean is that
phrase used to mean "all systems not Solaris" or really just Linux?

I would like to -1 the concept of (what amounts to) forking off an Ant
process as a solution to this. If I understand the build process
correctly, Maven is already executing Ant, even if it's just intra-VM,
instead of being a true Maven build. My opposition is for anything that
makes the build contain more hackery than it already does.

I look forward to hearing the results of your investigation.

  -- /v\atthew