Re: JAX-WS build in Glassfish

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 08:59:56 -0700

there is no rule of thumb when we integrate, it depends when jax-ws
achieve some sort of a milestone or we need something from them to
have the 109 web services working. The last integration is about 2
weeks old, we are trying one now.

On Jul 28, 2005, at 11:12 AM, Sameer Tyagi wrote:

> Whats the build for JAX-WS thats packaged with Glassfish ? Is there
> a nightly sync
> or weekly sync ?
> Also is there a way to determine what build-number is packaged ?
> Would be nice
> if there was a command that developers could run which printed out
> the build version (eg 1104) &
> date/time for each of the component API's /Implementatins (XWSS,
> JAX-WS, ect) packaged in there.
that's interesting, I will ask Doug if there is a way to get this info.


> Thanks
> /s
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