Re: build questions

From: Dinesh Patil <dinesh.patil_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 12:40:23 -0700

comments inline.
Bill Shannon wrote:

> I'm still trying to learn the new build system. While I can probably
> figure out the answers to these questions myself, I thought it might be
> helpful to have the answers here for others to reference.
> I'm following the basic instructions at
> These instructions worked fine to do the first build, but
> what happens next?

Some more details can be accessed from the FAQ link which has "Glassfish
Build Questions" link

> I did a build and ran some tests and then went back to make
> changes and do another build. When I get to "maven configure-runtime"
> it fails. Apparently you can only do configure-runtime once.
> I'm not clear on whether I *need* to do configure-runtime after
> each time I rebuild, or whether it's only needed once per what?

configure-runtime creates admin domain, domain1 as per setup.xml file,
so if you run configure-runtime again, it will fail since domain1 is
already present. There is "maven clean-config" target to delete domain
and can run configure-runtime again. (We will add this in build faq page)
About doing configure-runtime each rebuild time, it depends on the
changes developer does on the rebuild, if its affect domain creation or
domain.xml classpaths, jvm-options etc then yes will have to rerun this
target otherwise no need if its just jar file updates.

> Since configure-runtime failed, I decided I needed to go back
> further in the build instructions so I did "maven clobber".
> But then I wasn't sure how far back that took me. Did I now
> need to do "maven bootstrap" again, or could I go straight into
> "maven build"?

if you run maven clobber, it cleans up the server image so you will have
to do "maven bootstrap build".

> Now I've made all my changes. Do I put the changes back using
> "cvs commit", or is there a "maven commit"?

No there is no goal as "maven commit" so you will have to use "cvs commit"
List of useful maven goals:

> If I later want to update my workspace with the latest changes from
> the master workspace, do I use "cvs update" or is there a "maven update"?

There is no goal as "maven update" but "maven checkout" will update the

> Other than the first "cvs checkout glassfish/bootstrap" to get started,
> is there any other time I should do a "cvs checkout"? Or should I always
> use "maven checkout"?

"maven checkout" needs to be used after glassfish/bootstrap module is
checked out.
Hope this helps.

> Thanks for helping me with these basic questions!
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