Hi Amy,
I'm not sure if the "problem" I see is a match for below, but it has
happened a few times...I got an email with subject "ezmlm warning", which
indicates that some messages to me from the cvs mailing list are bouncing. I
do seem to get *most* such emails, but probably every other week I get a
notice that some are bouncing.
Is that what you're interested, for the bug? Attached is the email I got. Oh
yeah, it's not related to any checkin that I did, AFAIK. And FWIW, notice
that the email from ezmlm contains a nice list of the message numbers that
bounced. I cannot find these messages! Do you know a way? I mean, on
java.net, I can search the email list archive, but get no results for any of
the numbers, and, more surprising, not even for the apparent author of the
changes noted in the bounce email (vijaysr_at_dev.java.net). Right now I don't
think it's super important that this work, but... Hmm: I just searched for my
own id (davenull) by author and message body, which still came up empty, and I
have done some checkins.
Amy Roh wrote:
> Hi,
> A few people have been experiencing missing cvs email notifications when
> commits were made to GlassFish.
> I have created an issue with GlassFish issue tracker so we can better
> gather a list of information which is going to help us detect the
> problem and solve it.
> Info required with dropped notification report:
> - User
> - date/time of incident
> - list of files checked in and not notified or just link to the cvs mail
> message in archive
> - file sizes
> - cvs client used
> - does this happen every time you commit?
> If you have not received any cvs mailing notifications in the past or do
> experience the problem, please go to
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=10, copy the info
> required and add a comment with answers.
> This will help us identify a pattern and solve the issue quickly.
> Please note that you need to subscribe to cvs_at_glassfish.dev.java.net to
> get cvs notification emails. You can subscribe to GlassFish mailing
> lists at https://glassfish.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList*.*
> Thanks!
> Amy
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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