cvs HEAD fails on ReadOnlyBeanContainer

From: Matthew L Daniel <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 23:24:07 -0400

The short version is that my javac (java full version "1.5.0_04-b05")
believes that an inner, private class instance held in a package visible
variable is inaccessible in a subclass. Jikes believes the same thing.

I can't figure out why Jerome reports a green tinderbox yet my build
is failing. This is on Linux amd64 and i86. I haven't yet gotten my
Solaris x86 to install, but I look forward to trying it there, too.

The complete build log compresses quite well (5988 bytes) so I feel it
would be appropriate to attach as a relevant talking point.

My proposed patch is also attached, and doesn't seem to cause any undue
harm, but I'm more curious what's really happening here.

  Thanks for your time,
  -- /v\atthew