Re: windows build error

From: Amy Roh <Amelia.Roh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 18:43:30 -0700

Dinesh Patil wrote:

> Did you setup any proxy host/port? if you are inside firewall then you
> may not need but looks like you don't have access to or you
> may have private IP Address?

I didn't define proxy/host because I wasn't behind firewall. Defining
proxy/host behind firewall results in the following
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException? Anyone seen this?

C:\javanet\glassfish-workspace\glassfish\glassfish>maven checkout
 __ __
| \/ |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \ ~ intelligent projects ~
|_| |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_| v. 1.1-beta-1

DEPRECATED: the default goal should be specified in the <build> section
of proje
ct.xml instead of maven.xml
Attempting to download glassfish-image-SNAPSHOT.jar.

File...... C:\javanet\glassfish-workspace\glassfish\glassfish\maven.xml
Element... ant:echo
Line...... 54
Column.... -1
Total time : 2 minutes 33 seconds
Finished at : Monday, June 20, 2005 5:41:24 PM GMT-08:00


> Ignoring invalid proxy port: ''
> Error retrieving artifact from
> [
> NT/]: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: port out of range:-1
> thanks
> -Dinesh
> Amy Roh wrote:
>> I'm trying to build glassfish on win for demo and getting the
>> following error but haven't seen this on solaris. Any ideas?
>> Thanks,
>> Amy
>> C:\...\glassfish>maven checkout
>> __ __
>> | \/ |__ _Apache__ ___
>> | |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \ ~ intelligent projects ~
>> |_| |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_| v. 1.1-beta-1
>> DEPRECATED: the default goal should be specified in the <build>
>> section of proje
>> ct.xml instead of maven.xml
>> Directory C:\javanet\glassfish-workspace\glassfish_dependencies does
>> not exist.
>> Attempting to create.
>> Attempting to download commons-jelly-tags-interaction-1.0.jar.
>> Ignoring invalid proxy port: ''
>> Error retrieving artifact from
>> [
>> NT/]: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: port out of range:-1
>> Error retrieving artifact from []:
>> java.lang.Illegal
>> ArgumentException: port out of range:-1
>> WARNING: Failed to download commons-jelly-tags-interaction-1.0.jar.
>> Attempting to download commons-jelly-tags-http-1.0.jar.
>> Ignoring invalid proxy port: ''
>> Error retrieving artifact from
>> [
>> NT/]: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: port out of range:-1
>> Error retrieving artifact from []:
>> java.lang.Illegal
>> ArgumentException: port out of range:-1
>> WARNING: Failed to download commons-jelly-tags-http-1.0.jar.
>> Attempting to download glassfish-image-SNAPSHOT.jar.
>> Ignoring invalid proxy port: ''
>> Error retrieving artifact from
>> [
>> NT/]: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: port out of range:-1
>> Error retrieving artifact from []:
>> java.lang.Illegal
>> ArgumentException: port out of range:-1
>> WARNING: Failed to download glassfish-image-SNAPSHOT.jar.
>> The build cannot continue because of the following unsatisfied
>> dependencies:
>> commons-jelly-tags-interaction-1.0.jar
>> commons-jelly-tags-http-1.0.jar
>> glassfish-image-SNAPSHOT.jar
>> Total time : 1 seconds
>> Finished at : Monday, June 20, 2005 4:22:09 PM GMT-08:00
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