Re: Final Review of create-domain man page

From: Nandini Ektare <Nandini.Ektare_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 21:14:28 -0700

>> *BUG?* 4848 and 8080 should not be in the command message, but they
>> are. They should be shown as <adminport> and <instanceport>
>> replaceables. I changed the man page. Can the command message be fixed?
> It's a feature. :-)
> Seriously, people asked for the usage message to indicate the default
> values of the options, where they're known, so that's what the code does.
> If there's consensus that that should be removed, that's easy to do.
> Let's see what people think. I created a poll...
I like the feature because
1. It's like example and usage merged together (thought it may not be a
widely used practice, I feel it 's convenient)
2. More important: In v3 we can't see defaults in the usual place --
domain.xml. So this feature helps to that end.