Re: Pre-TP2 Review of GlassFish Administration Guide

From: Dixie Pine <Dixie.Pine_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 17:42:53 -0700

Reviewers: This is the most thorough review I've received, so I'm cc'ing
all on my responses. If you have additions or corrections, please respond.

Jennifer Chou wrote:
> Hi Dixie,
> I reviewed most of the beginning sections and those commands I worked
> on: start/stop-database, create/delete/list-resource-ref,
> create/delete/list/jdbc-resource,
> create/delete/list-jdbc-connection-pool.
> Organization looks good. Any cluster-specific things should be
> removed for TP2.
> Also cc'ing Jerome, Dinesh, and Sahoo to help clarify whether JavaDB
> is bundled. It is mentioned in the guide as bundled on p. 19, 54, and 68
I removed all text referring to bundled Java DB. I saw some email
threads which I believe culminated in saying that Java DB is not bundled
for TP2. If user has to download it separately, I hope the install doc
and the quick start are telling users that.
> p.17 - name change
> Should "Sun Java System Application Server documentation set" be
> changed to "GlassFish Application Server documentation" set? I
> believe the name change is official. Can you check with managment?
You're right. The master preface had not been updated, so name was wrong
there. It's fixed now.
> p. 19 - I don't know if JavaDB is included. I think Jerome, Sahoo,
> Dinesh can clarify.
> /For information about the JavaDB database included with the
> Application Server, see
> p. 26 - remove 'the'
> /If you created multiple domains, you must start a separate Admin
> Console session to manage the each domain./
> p. 31 - Maybe this section can be removed?
> /For subcommands that can be run locally or remotely:/
> -The commands are either run locally or remotely. I don't think we
> have commands that can do both.
> -I don't think we support --local option.
> -The 3rd bullet is confusing. I think 'local' should be replaced with
> 'remote' in a couple places in this paragraph?
> /If none of the local remote options are set, either on the command
> line or in the environment, the
> subcommand runs locally by default. Setting the --local option to true
> overrides the local remote
> --host, --port, --user, and --passwordfile settings, even if
> specified. In this case, the
> subcommand runs locally./
I removed this list. Some of this old material has not been looked at in
a long time. I will take any chance to purge doubtful text.
> p. 31 - --help displays the entire manpage, not just usage. Move the
> example from the 2nd paragraph to the 1st.
> /You can obtain usage information for any of the asadmin utility
> subcommands by using the
> --help option. The usage information for that subcommand is displayed./
> For example, asadmin create-jdbc-resource --help.
> p.31 - --help without subcommand does not display list of all subcommands
> /Using the --help option without a subcommand displays a listing of
> all available
> subcommands./
> -Using the --help option without a subcommand displays information
> about asadmin utility command.
> p. 32 - You have to start the app server before you can see the help
> for a remote command. Need to run asadmin start-domain
> /To view command syntax and examples, type the command name followed
> by--help at the
> utility prompt. For example:
> asadmin create-jdbc-resource --help
> /
> p. 38 - I don't think profile option is supported for create-domain.
> Check with Siraj.
> /You can choose the profile of a domain only during creation. Use the
> --profile option with
> the create-domain command to specify a profile for the domain. If you
> do not use the
> --profile option to explicitly specify a profile, the default profile
> is associated with the domain.
> The AS_ADMIN_PROFILE variable in the asadminenv.conf file defines the
> default profile./
I hid this material for TP2. Does it apply for v3?
> p. 41 - typo
> fro -> for
> p. 43 - typo
> Tthe
> p. 43, 44, 45, 46, 117, 118, 119 Applies to all commands.
> --target option is not supported for TP2
> p. 43 - typo
> /type asadmincreated-resource-ref --help/
> - Change to "type asadmin create-resource-ref --help"
> p. 44 - TP2 does not support clustering, it supports default server.
> Applies to all commands.
> Change:
> /The following example command lists resource references for the
> NewServer server:
> asadmin list-resource-refs --user admin --passwordfile passwords.txt
> MyCluster/
> to
> The following example command lists resource references for the
> default server:
> asadmin list-resource-refs --user admin --passwordfile passwords.txt
Removed MyCluster and reworded the example lead-in sentences.
> p. 44 typo - remove 'the resource'
> /The following example command deletes a resource reference the
> resource named/
> p. 54 - I don't know if Application Server is really bundled with JavaDB.
> Can you check with Jerome, Dinesh, Sahoo?
> Also, p. 68 /The JavaDB/Derby JDBC driver is included with the
> Application Server by default,/
I have reworded without claiming that Java DB is bundled.
> p. 54 - Domain does not need to be running to use start-database
Removed. Did this get to Paul? I think I got this prerequisite from a
man page.
> p. 60 - typo - missing a '-' in front of -property
> /You can either use a -property option/
> p. 60 - typo - extra z, need space between --host and --passowordfile
> /list-jdbc-connection-pool --user --host--passzwordfile/
> p. 64 - Remove 'in a Developer Domain' to be consistent with others.
> /Deleting a JDBC Resource in a Developer Domain
> The following example command deletes a JDBC resource named
> jdbc/DerbyPool from a
> domain that uses the developer profile:/
> p. 127 - need definition - Creates a reference to a previously created
> resource.
> /create-resource-ref(1) need def Supported in remote mode only./
> Thanks,
> Jennifer
> Dixie Pine wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I have attached a PDF copy of the /GlassFish v3 TP2 Administration
>> Guide/ for your review.
>> *Review Dates: Thursday 4/17/08-Wednesday 4/23/08*
>> Here's what has happened with this manual:
>> * *TP2 Content Only*
>> I have removed all material that does not apply to TP2. Please
>> let me know if more material should be removed.
>> * *Reorganized*
>> I have reorganized the chapters and split the former security
>> chapter into System Security and User Security. I've done lots
>> of renaming of sections, sometimes guesswork, so any
>> suggestions for improvements are welcome.
>> * *Streamlined*
>> I have streamlined the overview material, which means there is
>> now less of it. I would still like to reduce the amount of
>> explanatory material in the System Security chapter.
>> * *Task Based*
>> I have written tasks for the asadmin CLI commands that are
>> included in TP2. The Admin Guide is all about asadmin now, not
>> about the Admin Console GUI. The only Admin Console procedures
>> that are still in the manual are in the Logging chapter,
>> because I haven't had time to determine what asadmin commands
>> can do those tasks.
>> Many of the new tasks are incomplete. Most of the settings
>> material is incomplete. I have done as much as I had time for,
>> extrapolating from man pages and the Admin Console online help.
>> Now I need reviewers to help me fill in the gaps and fix the gaffs.
>> In email feedback, please specify the PDF page number for your
>> comment. A paper markup is also great. Or a phone call. The doc team
>> is using the following list of contributors from GlassFish
>> engineering, so if you are a SME in an area addressed in this manual,
>> please review.
>> I will only have a few days to make corrections to the manual before
>> TP2 delivery, so review soon.
>> Thanks very much,
>> Dixie
>> x15591
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