Hi Dixie,
I reviewed most of the beginning sections and those commands I worked
on: start/stop-database, create/delete/list-resource-ref,
create/delete/list/jdbc-resource, create/delete/list-jdbc-connection-pool.
Organization looks good. Any cluster-specific things should be removed
for TP2.
Also cc'ing Jerome, Dinesh, and Sahoo to help clarify whether JavaDB is
bundled. It is mentioned in the guide as bundled on p. 19, 54, and 68
p.17 - name change
Should "Sun Java System Application Server documentation set" be changed
to "GlassFish Application Server documentation" set? I believe the name
change is official. Can you check with managment?
p. 19 - I don't know if JavaDB is included. I think Jerome, Sahoo,
Dinesh can clarify.
/For information about the JavaDB database included with the Application
Server, see
p. 26 - remove 'the'
/If you created multiple domains, you must start a separate Admin
Console session to manage the each domain./
p. 31 - Maybe this section can be removed?
/For subcommands that can be run locally or remotely:/
-The commands are either run locally or remotely. I don't think we have
commands that can do both.
-I don't think we support --local option.
-The 3rd bullet is confusing. I think 'local' should be replaced with
'remote' in a couple places in this paragraph?
/If none of the local remote options are set, either on the command
line or in the environment, the
subcommand runs locally by default. Setting the --local option to true
overrides the local remote
--host, --port, --user, and --passwordfile settings, even if specified.
In this case, the
subcommand runs locally./
p. 31 - --help displays the entire manpage, not just usage. Move the
example from the 2nd paragraph to the 1st.
/You can obtain usage information for any of the asadmin utility
subcommands by using the
--help option. The usage information for that subcommand is displayed./
For example, asadmin create-jdbc-resource --help.
p.31 - --help without subcommand does not display list of all subcommands
/Using the --help option without a subcommand displays a listing of all
-Using the --help option without a subcommand displays information about
asadmin utility command.
p. 32 - You have to start the app server before you can see the help for
a remote command. Need to run asadmin start-domain
/To view command syntax and examples, type the command name followed
by--help at the
utility prompt. For example:
asadmin create-jdbc-resource --help
p. 38 - I don't think profile option is supported for create-domain.
Check with Siraj.
/You can choose the profile of a domain only during creation. Use the
--profile option with
the create-domain command to specify a profile for the domain. If you do
not use the
--profile option to explicitly specify a profile, the default profile is
associated with the domain.
The AS_ADMIN_PROFILE variable in the asadminenv.conf file defines the
default profile./
p. 41 - typo
fro -> for
p. 43 - typo
p. 43, 44, 45, 46, 117, 118, 119 Applies to all commands.
--target option is not supported for TP2
p. 43 - typo
/type asadmincreated-resource-ref --help/
- Change to "type asadmin create-resource-ref --help"
p. 44 - TP2 does not support clustering, it supports default server.
Applies to all commands.
/The following example command lists resource references for the
NewServer server:
asadmin list-resource-refs --user admin --passwordfile passwords.txt
The following example command lists resource references for the default
asadmin list-resource-refs --user admin --passwordfile passwords.txt
p. 44 typo - remove 'the resource'
/The following example command deletes a resource reference the resource
p. 54 - I don't know if Application Server is really bundled with JavaDB.
Can you check with Jerome, Dinesh, Sahoo?
Also, p. 68 /The JavaDB/Derby JDBC driver is included with the
Application Server by default,/
p. 54 - Domain does not need to be running to use start-database
p. 60 - typo - missing a '-' in front of -property
/You can either use a -property option/
p. 60 - typo - extra z, need space between --host and --passowordfile
/list-jdbc-connection-pool --user --host--passzwordfile/
p. 64 - Remove 'in a Developer Domain' to be consistent with others.
/Deleting a JDBC Resource in a Developer Domain
The following example command deletes a JDBC resource named
jdbc/DerbyPool from a
domain that uses the developer profile:/
p. 127 - need definition - Creates a reference to a previously created
/create-resource-ref(1) need def Supported in remote mode only./
Dixie Pine wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have attached a PDF copy of the /GlassFish v3 TP2 Administration
> Guide/ for your review.
> *Review Dates: Thursday 4/17/08-Wednesday 4/23/08*
> Here's what has happened with this manual:
> * *TP2 Content Only*
> I have removed all material that does not apply to TP2. Please
> let me know if more material should be removed.
> * *Reorganized*
> I have reorganized the chapters and split the former security
> chapter into System Security and User Security. I've done lots
> of renaming of sections, sometimes guesswork, so any suggestions
> for improvements are welcome.
> * *Streamlined*
> I have streamlined the overview material, which means there is
> now less of it. I would still like to reduce the amount of
> explanatory material in the System Security chapter.
> * *Task Based*
> I have written tasks for the asadmin CLI commands that are
> included in TP2. The Admin Guide is all about asadmin now, not
> about the Admin Console GUI. The only Admin Console procedures
> that are still in the manual are in the Logging chapter,
> because I haven't had time to determine what asadmin commands
> can do those tasks.
> Many of the new tasks are incomplete. Most of the settings
> material is incomplete. I have done as much as I had time for,
> extrapolating from man pages and the Admin Console online help.
> Now I need reviewers to help me fill in the gaps and fix the gaffs.
> In email feedback, please specify the PDF page number for your
> comment. A paper markup is also great. Or a phone call. The doc team
> is using the following list of contributors from GlassFish
> engineering, so if you are a SME in an area addressed in this manual,
> please review.
> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=GlassFishV3DocPlan#section-GlassFishV3DocPlan-EngineeringStaff
> I will only have a few days to make corrections to the manual before
> TP2 delivery, so review soon.
> Thanks very much,
> Dixie
> x15591
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