Re: Proposal for adding pluggability into the Glassfish Admin GUI

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2007 16:44:35 -0700

Hi Irfan,

We can use this conference call #:

   (866)545-5227 (US Toll-Free)
   (865)673-6950 (International-Caller Paid)
   Access Code: 3535518# 

I'll join in @ 8:00 AM IST (7:30PM PDT).  We'll discuss the proposal below.



Irfan Ahmed wrote:
Hi Ken,

I am available early morning Tuesday, my time which is late Monday for you. What time shall we meet. I am assuming you are in SCA. In that case how about 7:30PM Monday (PDT) which is Tuesday 8:00AM (IST).

Warm Rgds

Ken Paulsen wrote:

(I added the admin@gf email alias)

Hi Irfan,

Thanks for writing this up.  The added Tab may not be doable for this release, but we can discuss this further.  I think we should be able to do the added tree nodes for both cluster and non-clusterd case.  For the issues, I'd like to make sure we address how this will work for the initial release as well as future releases.  I would like to know how we'll support newer versions of GF with the initial Sailfin "plugin".  We need to be careful in this area to avoid having a support issue.

Perhaps we can meet on Monday?  I can meet early my time (late Monday for you), or late Monday for me (early Tuesday for you).  Please suggest a time that works for you and we can discuss this more over the phone.  Also, I'm often avialable on IRC: #jsftemplating



Irfan Ahmed wrote:
Hi Ken,

Here is the proposal for pluggable admin GUI in Glassfish. Please tell me if I have to send the mail to

The sailfin project leverages the Glassfish application server to provide SIP functionality to its users. However in-order to use the SIP functionality the Glassfish admin GUI needs to be enhanced to take care of SIP related configurations and properties. We do not want to modify the glassfish admin GUI for sailfin directly.

Hence I would like to propose to the team a concept of plugability for the Admin GUI. The Admin GUI will have hooks in place to read the new content from the classpath and display new screens to the user. The GUI tree code would have to be modified in-order to pick up the new content.

The hooks can be placed at present under Applications and Configuration (or a particular config under cluster mode). These are the two places where new screens for SIP functionality will appear eventually. The following is an example SIP functionality tree (I have listed the new screens only)

| Applications
-----| SIP Modules

| Configuration
-----| SIP Container
-----| SIP Service
-----| SIP Listeners
  ----- sip-listener-01
            ----- sip-listener-02
-----| SIP Link
-----| SIP Timers
-----| SIP Protocol Config

| Availability Service
-----| SIP Container Availability [This will appear as another Tab here]

The following are some of the issues that we will have to tackle immediately. I am sure there are going to be many more. We can discuss this once we start on this.
  1. How will the screens be picked up and how will the code determine which screen appears where. For example the tree should know automagically that SIP Modules will come under Applications and SIP Container will come under Configuration.
  2. We need to take care of screens that will show up only in a cluster configuration. For example HTTP Load Balancers, Availability Service.
  3. How will the code deal with cases where the an existing screen needs to be updated with added functionality. For example Monitoring, Log Levels for SIP Container and Service.

Thanks and Warm Rgds,
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Irfan Ahmed
Sun Microsystems Inc., Bangalore, India.
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Irfan Ahmed
Sun Microsystems Inc., Bangalore, India.