Re: Proposal for adding pluggability into the Glassfish Admin GUI

From: Irfan Ahmed <Irfan.Ahmed_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2007 12:43:20 +0530

Hi Ken,

I am available early morning Tuesday, my time which is late Monday for
you. What time shall we meet. I am assuming you are in SCA. In that case
how about 7:30PM Monday (PDT) which is Tuesday 8:00AM (IST).

Warm Rgds

Ken Paulsen wrote:
> (I added the admin_at_gf email alias)
> Hi Irfan,
> Thanks for writing this up. The added Tab may not be doable for this
> release, but we can discuss this further. I think we should be able
> to do the added tree nodes for both cluster and non-clusterd case.
> For the issues, I'd like to make sure we address how this will work
> for the initial release as well as future releases. I would like to
> know how we'll support newer versions of GF with the initial Sailfin
> "plugin". We need to be careful in this area to avoid having a
> support issue.
> Perhaps we can meet on Monday? I can meet early my time (late Monday
> for you), or late Monday for me (early Tuesday for you). Please
> suggest a time that works for you and we can discuss this more over
> the phone. Also, I'm often avialable on IRC:
> #jsftemplating
> Thanks!
> Ken
> Irfan Ahmed wrote:
>> Hi Ken,
>> Here is the proposal for pluggable admin GUI in Glassfish. Please
>> tell me if I have to send the mail to
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> The sailfin <> project leverages the
>> Glassfish application server to provide SIP functionality to its
>> users. However in-order to use the SIP functionality the Glassfish
>> admin GUI needs to be enhanced to take care of SIP related
>> configurations and properties. We do not want to modify the glassfish
>> admin GUI for sailfin directly.
>> Hence I would like to propose to the team a concept of plugability
>> for the Admin GUI. The Admin GUI will have hooks in place to read the
>> new content from the classpath and display new screens to the user.
>> The GUI tree code would have to be modified in-order to pick up the
>> new content.
>> The hooks can be placed at present under Applications and
>> Configuration (or a particular config under cluster mode). These are
>> the two places where new screens for SIP functionality will appear
>> eventually. The following is an example SIP functionality tree (I
>> have listed the new screens only)
>> | Applications
>> -----| SIP Modules
>> | Configuration
>> -----| SIP Container
>> -----| SIP Service
>> -----| SIP Listeners
>> ----- sip-listener-01
>> ----- sip-listener-02
>> -----| SIP Link
>> -----| SIP Timers
>> -----| SIP Protocol Config
>> | Availability Service
>> -----| SIP Container Availability [This will appear as another Tab here]
>> The following are some of the issues that we will have to tackle
>> immediately. I am sure there are going to be many more. We can
>> discuss this once we start on this.
>> 1. How will the screens be picked up and how will the code
>> determine which screen appears where. For example the tree
>> should know automagically that SIP Modules will come under
>> Applications and SIP Container will come under Configuration.
>> 2. We need to take care of screens that will show up only in a
>> cluster configuration. For example HTTP Load Balancers,
>> Availability Service.
>> 3. How will the code deal with cases where the an existing screen
>> needs to be updated with added functionality. For example
>> Monitoring, Log Levels for SIP Container and Service.
>> Thanks and Warm Rgds,
>> Irfan.
>> --
>> Irfan Ahmed
>> Sun Microsystems Inc., Bangalore, India.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Irfan Ahmed
Sun Microsystems Inc., Bangalore, India.