Re: Please review: update-jbi-component (formerly upgrade-jbi-component)

From: Mark Saunders <Mark.Saunders_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 16:28:52 -0700

Perfect, thanks Paul.


Paul Davies wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> In response to yor feedback on the help(1) man page, I have changed
> upgrade-jbi-component(1) to update-jbi-component(1). Attached is the
> changed man page in PDF and text formats.
> Please verify by 12 midday tomorrow that I have made all the changes
> required as a result of the change of the command's name. If I do not
> receive a reply by then, I will assume that the changes are OK.
> As a result of this change, I will also update references to this
> renamed man page from the following man pages.
> help(1)
> install-jbi-component(1)
> list-jbi-binding-components(1)
> list-jbi-service-assemblies(1)
> list-jbi-service-engines(1)
> show-jbi-binding-component(1)
> start-jbi-component(1)
> start-jbi-service-assembly(1)
> stop-jbi-component(1)
> uninstall-jbi-component(1)
> I do not plan to sumit those changes for review as they are very minor.
> Regards,
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> User Commands update-jbi-component(1)
> update-jbi-component - updates a service engine or binding
> component
> update-jbi-component
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --properties : [(name=value) [:name=value]... | file]]
> [--upload={true|false}] component_name
> The update-jbi-component command updates a service engine or
> binding component that has previously been installed in the
> JBI environment. The service engine or binding component
> that is to be updated must be in the shutdown state.
> -t --terse
> Indicates that any output data must be very concise,
> typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring
> well-formatted data for consumption by a script. Default
> is false.
> -e --echo
> Setting to true will echo the command line statement on
> the standard output. Default is false.
> -I --interactive
> If set to true (default), only the required password
> options are prompted.
> -H --host
> The machine name where the domain administration server
> is running. The default value is localhost.
> -p --port
> The HTTP/S port for administration. This is the port to
> which you should point your browser in order to manage
> the domain. For example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> Java EE 5 Last change: 31 May 2007 1
> User Commands update-jbi-component(1)
> -s --secure
> If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the
> domain administration server.
> -u --user
> The authorized domain administration server administra-
> tive username.
> If you have authenticated to a domain using the asadmin
> login command, then you need not specify the --user
> option on subsequent operations to this particular
> domain.
> --passwordfile
> The --passwordfile option specifies the name of a file
> containing the password entries in a specific format.
> The entry for the password must have the AS_ADMIN_ pre-
> fix followed by the password name in uppercase letters.
> For example, to specify the domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the following format:
> AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password, where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other passwords that can be
> specified include AS_ADMIN_MAPPEDPASSWORD,
> All remote commands must specify the admin password to
> authenticate to the domain administration server, either
> through --passwordfile or asadmin login, or interac-
> tively on the command prompt. The asadmin login command
> can be used only to specify the admin password. For
> other passwords, that must be specified for remote com-
> mands, use the --passwordfile or enter them at the com-
> mand prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a domain using the asadmin
> login command, then you need not specify the admin pass-
> word through the --passwordfile option on subsequent
> operations to this particular domain. However, this is
> applicable only to AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD option. You will
> still need to provide the other passwords, for example,
> AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD, as and when required by indivi-
> dual commands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords specified as an environ-
> ment variable will not be read by asadmin.
> The default value for AS_ADMIN_MASTERPASSWORD is
> changeit.
> Java EE 5 Last change: 31 May 2007 2
> User Commands update-jbi-component(1)
> --help
> Displays the help text for the command.
> --properties
> Property values that are to be set for the component.
> The option can be specified as a string of keyword-value
> pairs, or the name of a property file can be provided.
> --upload
> When this option is set to true, the command uploads the
> file to the administration server. The file is uploaded
> to the $JBI_HOME/tmp directory on the Domain Administra-
> tion Server (DAS), for example,
> $AS_INSTALL_DIR/domains/domain_name/jbi/tmp. If the
> filepath of the installable file is mounted to the
> server machine, or if the administration server is run-
> ning locally, set this option to false. Default is true.
> component_name The name of the JBI component or
> service engine that you are
> updating. This component or ser-
> vice engine must have previously
> been installed in the JBI
> environment and must be in the
> shutdown state.
> Example 1 Using the update-jbi-component command
> The following command updates a JBI component.
> asadmin> update-jbi-component --user admin2
> --passwordfile passwords.txt component
> Command update-jbi-component executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> Java EE 5 Last change: 31 May 2007 3
> User Commands update-jbi-component(1)
> install-jbi-component(1), start-jbi-component(1), list-jbi-
> binding-components(1), list-jbi-service-engines(1), stop-
> jbi-component(1), shut-down-jbi-component(1), uninstall-
> jbi-component(1)
> Java EE 5 Last change: 31 May 2007 4
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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