This is my first attempt to contribute to glassfish-sample project.
I would like develop a sample application demonstrating the usage of JACC
and JASPI with glassfish.
Phase 1:
This will be a simple Stateless session bean (didn't seen the profile for
EJB container in the specification; hope it is supported) with
Authentication and Authorization modules at server side and Secure request
and validate response modules at client side. user in formation shall be
persisted in a file.
Phase 2:
Implementing SSO using JACC and JASPI across multiple application servers
LoginModule will do the actual authentication via web service and a token
will be returned.
The token will be saved at the client side and will be sent with subsequent
requests to another application in another application server.
As the Authentication module is same it will understand the token and will
validate the same with log on web service.
I need help in configuring JACC and JASPI provider classes in glassfish
server and client side.
Please send me any info related to this.
Please approve this sample application development.