Thanks for providing the requested information, Glad to learn that you
are interested in contributing sample applications in the areas of JACC
and JASPI with glassfish.
You may start understanding glassfish-samples project and the process of
writing sample applications, you may want to start with the following links.*checkout*/glassfish-samples/ws/javaee5/docs/DeveloperREADME.html
The sample applications work with ant script and NetBeans IDE and when
we develop the samples we need to make sure it works with ant and
NetBeans IDE. You may want to download the samples and start
experiencing it using ant and NetBeans IDE.
Initially, you send a brief proposal of sample to the alias, once approved you'll develop the
sample and send it to the same alias for code review. When it is
approved the code will be checked in.
Pl. send email to if you come up with
any questions/suggestions.
I'll get back to you once the developer role is setup and you already
have observer role which enables you to check out the code and
experiment with it.
Look forward to working with you.
Rejeev Divakaran wrote:
> Hi Sreenivas,
> Thanks for looking into my request.
> - Why do you want to become a developer for glassfish-samples project?
> I was evaluating the usage of JACC and JASPI for developing portable
> authentication and authorization infrastructure. I thought I should
> share my leanings as a sample application and probably as an article
> on "usage of JACC and JASPI with glassfish". If this endeavour
> successful I would like contribute more as sample applications and
> articles on different usages.
> - Tell us if you have any open source development experience.
> This is my first attempt to contribute to open source development.
> However I am member of Java Community Process for quite some time.
> - Have you submitted any patches or bug fixes to GlassFish project
> already? If yes, issue id and patch details?
> Not yet.
> - The first step to becoming a developer is to sign SCA
> I have signed and faxed the SCA to the specified fax number.
> You may seek reference from the following.
> Rajiv Shivane (member or expert group of many important JSRs)
> Director Engineering
> Pramati Technologies
> <>
> Anil Bairwal (former Sr Manager at BEA Systems)
> <>
> Please feel free to revert for any additional information.
> Regards,
> Rejeev.
> On 6/18/07, *Sreenivas Munnangi* <
> <>> wrote:
> Rejeev,
> Glad to know that you are intersted in GlassFish community and
> specifically glassfish-samples project.
> To start with, I have granted you the observer role and to grant
> Developer role for the glassfish-samples project, it would be
> helpful if you could provide us with some additional details about
> yourself , Pl. be aware that I have reviewed your
> <> profile.
> - Why do you want to become a developer for glassfish-samples
> project?
> - Tell us if you have any open source development experience.
> - Have you submitted any patches or bug fixes to GlassFish project
> already? If yes, issue id and patch details?
> The first step to becoming a developer (contributing code or
> submitting a patch) is to sign and return Sun's Contributor
> Agreement (SCA). This is necessary so Sun can include your
> contribution in places like the Java EE RI. Please refer to
> for
> more info on SCA and GlassFish Roles\Governance questions you
> might have.
> We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience
> so we can continue our evaluation of your role request.
> Regards,
> Sreenivas Munnangi
> Rejeev Divakaran wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am interested in developing some sample applications for usage
>> of JACC and JASPI.
>> Please provide me access to glassfish-samples project.
>> Please go through my profile at
>> I am a member of JCP and previously worked with BEA Systems and
>> Pramati Technologies (App server providers)
>> My userid is "rejeev"
>> Regards,
>> Rejeev.