Re: Samples for JACC and JASPI with glassfish

From: Sreenivas Munnangi <Sreenivas.Munnangi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 11:14:36 -0700


Rejeev is planning to add to the glassfish-samples project
<>, could you pl. review the
proposal and provide your comments.

Apprecite your help.


Rejeev Divakaran wrote:

> Hi,
> This is my first attempt to contribute to glassfish-sample project.
> I would like develop a sample application demonstrating the usage of
> JACC and JASPI with glassfish.
> Phase 1:
> This will be a simple Stateless session bean (didn't seen the profile
> for EJB container in the specification; hope it is supported) with
> Authentication and Authorization modules at server side and Secure
> request and validate response modules at client side. user in
> formation shall be persisted in a file.
> Phase 2:
> Implementing SSO using JACC and JASPI across multiple application servers
> LoginModule will do the actual authentication via web service and a
> token will be returned.
> The token will be saved at the client side and will be sent with
> subsequent requests to another application in another application server.
> As the Authentication module is same it will understand the token and
> will validate the same with log on web service.
> I need help in configuring JACC and JASPI provider classes in
> glassfish server and client side.
> Please send me any info related to this.
> Please approve this sample application development.
> Regards,
> Rejeev.