Hi Alessandro,
You would need the mq series jar files on the glassfish machine, i
dont think there is any work around for this. If there is a way by which
you could point to the mq jars, that should work too (you have to check
mq series docs/license).
For creating the jms bindings file, you could create it on the server
and then copy it (.bindings) over to the client, that should work.
Also, i should warn you that the extended transaction support (XA
transactions) in Mq series client has to be installed separately, does
not come bundled with the client by default.
If you did not have the client jars, iam assuming glassfish
classpath-suffix does not contain these jars. And without this your
generic ra configuration will not be complete. I dont know how Web
sphere connects to MQ series, they might have the client libraries built
in, because of the tighter integration they have.
Shambola wrote:
> Hi Ramesh!
> Thank you for your superfast answer!!!
> No, i haven't mq client installed on my server glassfish...
> Now i see another big problem:Mq Client = LICENSE to pay!!!
> (why websphere doesn't need you have the mq client installed??)
> Have you got a workaround for this?
> Thanks again...
> Alessandro
> rampsarathy wrote:
>> Hi Alessandro,
>> Do you have the mq client installed on the client (machine where
>> glassfish is running). Also, note that if you want to use xatransactions
>> then you would need to install the extended transaction client libs
>> separately.
>> If you have the mq series client set-up on the client machine , then you
>> should be able to create jndi bindings using the JMSAdmin command on the
>> client machine. This bindings file would reside on the client machine,
>> and you can provide this as the provider_url when creating the ra
>> config. Generic ra would be able to use the objects from this jndi store
>> (like the QCF) to connect to the mq series server.
>> Thanks
>> -Ramesh
>> Shambola wrote:
>>> Hi, i'm Alessandro and this is my first post here...
>>> I have a Websphere architecture and i want to recreate the same
>>> environment
>>> using Glassfish.
>>> Now i have to configure jms.
>>> On the websphere console, i have to configure:
>>> - The jndi name
>>> - The name of the queque manager
>>> - Host
>>> - Port
>>> - Channel.
>>> On glassfish i have only the jndi name :-((
>>> I've read the document:
>>> https://genericjmsra.dev.java.net/docs/websphere-mq-integration-guide/webspheremq_integration_guide.html
>>> but they assumes that mq and glassfish are on the same machine.
>>> And when they create the connection pool, they only use the name ("QCF"
>>> in
>>> the example):
>>> asadmin create-connector-connection-pool -- raname genericra
>>> connectiondefinition javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory
>>> --transactionsupport
>>> XATransaction --property ConnectionFactoryJndiName=QCF mypool
>>> And the MQ envinronment is ready up & running, so i started from the
>>> chapter
>>> "Configuring the Resource Adapter"
>>> But... where i have to use queue manager name, host, port and channel???
>>> I suppose that is easy and obvious for everyone... but not for me.... :-(
>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> Alessandro.
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