Hi Ramesh!
Thank you for your superfast answer!!!
No, i haven't mq client installed on my server glassfish...
Now i see another big problem:Mq Client = LICENSE to pay!!!
(why websphere doesn't need you have the mq client installed??)
Have you got a workaround for this?
Thanks again...
rampsarathy wrote:
> Hi Alessandro,
> Do you have the mq client installed on the client (machine where
> glassfish is running). Also, note that if you want to use xatransactions
> then you would need to install the extended transaction client libs
> separately.
> If you have the mq series client set-up on the client machine , then you
> should be able to create jndi bindings using the JMSAdmin command on the
> client machine. This bindings file would reside on the client machine,
> and you can provide this as the provider_url when creating the ra
> config. Generic ra would be able to use the objects from this jndi store
> (like the QCF) to connect to the mq series server.
> Thanks
> -Ramesh
> Shambola wrote:
>> Hi, i'm Alessandro and this is my first post here...
>> I have a Websphere architecture and i want to recreate the same
>> environment
>> using Glassfish.
>> Now i have to configure jms.
>> On the websphere console, i have to configure:
>> - The jndi name
>> - The name of the queque manager
>> - Host
>> - Port
>> - Channel.
>> On glassfish i have only the jndi name :-((
>> I've read the document:
>> https://genericjmsra.dev.java.net/docs/websphere-mq-integration-guide/webspheremq_integration_guide.html
>> but they assumes that mq and glassfish are on the same machine.
>> And when they create the connection pool, they only use the name ("QCF"
>> in
>> the example):
>> asadmin create-connector-connection-pool -- raname genericra
>> connectiondefinition javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory
>> --transactionsupport
>> XATransaction --property ConnectionFactoryJndiName=QCF mypool
>> And the MQ envinronment is ready up & running, so i started from the
>> chapter
>> "Configuring the Resource Adapter"
>> But... where i have to use queue manager name, host, port and channel???
>> I suppose that is easy and obvious for everyone... but not for me.... :-(
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Alessandro.
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