Help using Remote IBM MQSeries

From: Aleksej <>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 16:09:12 +0100

Hi! I'm Alessandro from Italy. I have a Websphere architecture and i want to
recreate the same environment using Glassfish.

Now i have to configure jms.

On the websphere console, i have to configure:
- The jndi name
- The name of the queque manager
- Host
- Port
- Channel.

On glassfish i have only the jndi name :-((

I've read the document:

But they assumes that mq and glassfish are on the same machine.
And when they create the connection pool, they only use the name ("QCF" in
the example):

*asadmin create-connector-connection-pool -- raname genericra
connectiondefinition javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory --transactionsupport
XATransaction --property ConnectionFactoryJndiName=QCF mypool

*because the object QFC is defined on MQ

$ ./JMSAdmin

         InitCtx>def qcf<JNDI Name to be given to the Queue Connection
Factory> hostname<IBM MQ server hostname> port(1414) channel(
                      transport(CLIENT) qmanager<name of queue manager
defined >
                     e.g. def qcf(QCF) hostname(localhost) port(1414)
channel(SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN) transport(CLIENT) qmanager(QM1)
But, my MQ envinronment is ready up & running, on a remote machine!!!


I have a remore MQ on address, port 1414, queue manager Q1TEST
I want to create on Glassfish:

- A connector factory named jms/cftest1 usign CLIENTCHANNEL as channel
- A resource jms named jms/rstest1 using TEST.QUEUE as destination queue.

How can i do it?

I suppose that is easy and obvious for everyone... but not for me.... :-(

Thanks in advance!


Qualunque destino, per lungo e complicato che sia, consta in realtà d'un
solo momento: il momento in cui l'uomo sa per sempre chi è. [J. L. Borges]