Hi Ramesh,
I'm sorry but I haven't seen the 2.0 version; I'll see later.
Regarding the modifications, I did to use it in jonas:
- changed the method parseToProperties as I said
- added all the config-property in ra.xml
- commented the config-property ConnectionFactoryJndiName, ClientId,
ConnectionValidationEnabled in the outbound section of ra.xml (I didn't need
- created a file jonas-ra.xml as the follow
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<jonas-connector xmlns="
http://www.objectweb.org/jonas/ns" xmlns:xsi="
http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="
and put it in META-INF directory of the rar. Note that I used only the
connection factory and not the activation spec or the adminobject objects.
- added to com.sun.genericra.GenericJMSRAProperties the following method
public void setSupportsXA(Boolean supportsXA) {
if (supportsXA != null) {
The last point was necessary since jonas doesn't consider equivalent the
setter in the basic datatype and the settere in the object datatype. I
signaled the problem in the jonas mailing list but at the moment I haven't
received a reply.
Ciao Angelo
---------- Messaggio inoltrato ----------
From: Ramesh Parthasarathy <Ramesh.Parthasarathy_at_Sun.COM>
To: dev_at_genericjmsra.dev.java.net
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2008 11:37:29 +0000
Subject: Re: Properties with "," in the value
Hi Angelo,
Thanks for the contribution. Did you get a chance to look at the
ObjectBuilder implementation in Generic ra 2.0, it uses a CustomTokenizer
which could solve the problem you have described.
Also, if you have a write up that describes the steps involved in
integrating jonas and Open MQ, please send it us, we will post it in the
generic jms ra site.
Angelo R. Di Filippo wrote:
I'm using genericjmsra.rar (1.7.0) with jonas application server and,
excluded some modifications to the code to work, the JCA seems to work. I
found a problem with the ConnectionFactoryProperties tag/property; I decided
to use open mq in clustering but the config
for ConnectionFactoryProperties doesn't work since the "," is the server
separator and the property delimitator. I think it should be better to
change the method parseToProperties of com.sun.genericra.util.ObjectBu
> ilder in
> protected Hashtable parseToProperties(String prop)
> throws ResourceException {
> _logger.log(Level.FINE,
> "parseToProperties:" + prop + " delimited:" + delimiter +
> " seperator:" + separator);
> Properties result = new Properties();
> try {
> result.load(new
> ByteArrayInputStream(prop.getBytes("ISO-8859-1")));
> } catch (Exception e) {
> }
> return result;
> }
> so the properties are in a java real properties format.
> I appreciate comments.
> Ciao Angelo