I'm using genericjmsra.rar (1.7.0) with jonas application server and,
excluded some modifications to the code to work, the JCA seems to work.
I found a problem with the ConnectionFactoryProperties tag/property; I
decided to use open mq in clustering but the config
for ConnectionFactoryProperties doesn't work since the "," is the server
separator and the property delimitator. I think it should be better to
change the method parseToProperties of
com.sun.genericra.util.ObjectBuilder in
protected Hashtable parseToProperties(String prop)
throws ResourceException {
"parseToProperties:" + prop + " delimited:" + delimiter +
" seperator:" + separator);
Properties result = new Properties();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
return result;
so the properties are in a java real properties format.
I appreciate comments.
Ciao Angelo