Re: Update of FI project pages

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <Eduardo.Pelegrillopart_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 10:15:10 -0700

I have not investigated it. It may be doable, but I don't know if it is
worth the effort...

On my side, I'm an emacs guy. I just go edit the darn HTML code... :-)

Kohsuke, have you looked into templates?

        - eduard/o

Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
>> This is great!
>> Have you looked at It is a very compact design and
>> I think it would be nice to slowly convert all the projects in the
>> JWSDP community to that format. What do you think? If you want I can
>> give you a hand in the conversion.
> Yes. I wanted to get the content up and working using StarOffice 8 as
> the HTML editor (because it is quick) before i made some 'incompatible'
> changes to the HTML which means that i can no longer use SO 8.
> Do you know if it is possible to set up a particular server side
> template for this compact design rather than each JWSDP project
> separately doing the editing?
> Paul.
>> - eduard/o
>> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have added more to the FI project pages.
>>> There is now a performance reports section [1] and a how to use
>>> section [2].
>>> The performance reports section contains new performance reports
>>> (including UBL and FpML) and exercises some more features of FI.
>>> The Japex configration files in the sub-directories of [4] use the
>>> drivers in the Japex XML driver library [3].
>>> I want to make an anouncement about the changes but before i do maybe
>>> people get check over the content and see if it all makes sense and
>>> highlight any mistakes.
>>> Alan, it would be really good to add a section about X3D and FI and
>>> how it is used in the Java-based X3D toolkit and some performance
>>> results (i can those from our JavaOne talk, but if you also have some
>>> more that would be great). Would you have time to write something up
>>> about this?
>>> Paul.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> [4]
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