Re: Build failed in Hudson: fi #383

From: Santiago Pericas-Geertsen <Santiago.Pericasgeertsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 08:17:12 -0400

Hi All,

  Yes, Japex is using JAXB RI 2.0, so we need to move to JDK 5. I
believe Paul has already made this change for Japex. Seems to me that
Japex is evolving quite independently of FI, so maybe we should
create a new project for it?

  Regarding FI, I think we should stay with JDK 1.4 until we have
good reason to move. I suspect a lot of people out there have not
switched yet.

-- Santiago

On Aug 16, 2005, at 1:45 AM, Joe Wang wrote:

> Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
>> Joe Wang wrote:
>>> Builds are failing due to those jaxb jar files. Are those jars
>>> dynmamically dropped there?
>> The problem is that jaxb-api.jar requires Tiger, yet FI is built
>> with JDK 1.4.
>> I suspect we need to use Tiger to build FI, and then use <javac
>> source="1.2" target="1.2"> etc.
> Ah, saw Sandiago's message later that he moved Japex to using JAXB
> 2.0 RI. I agree that we better use Tiger to build FI. It's just
> not so convenient when we all use Tiger for local workspace while
> it's built using jdk 1.4 on the server.
> Joe
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