Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
>> Is the code in the JAXB CVS? maybe it is something better to use than
>> what we currently have for FI.
> DOM is produced normally. It's a DOM comparator that compares attributes
> by ignoring orders, ignoring comments, ignoring ns decls, etc.
> It actually works against JDOM, and it's at
> http://cvsync.red.iplanet.com/cvsweb/vmtools/?cvsroot=WPTS
> Originally the project was started elsewhere, but they abandoned the
> maintenance, so I'm maintaining a local copy here.
> If you are interested in using it, you are welcome to do so. But I'm not
> particularly happy with it (especially its performance when comparing a
> large tree). It's originally developed as a diff tool, not just an
> equality tester, so that's probably why.
> What are you using in FI today?
Basically a SAX content handler that writes out the SAX events in a
canonical form:
So for this XML:
<a b="c">text</a>
It would produce:
<sax xmlns="
<startElement uri="" localName="a" qName="a">
<attribute qName="b" localName="b" uri="" value="c"/>
<endElement uri="" localName="a" qName="a"/>
It works quite well and has helped with debuging because it is easy to
determine where a problem based on simple textual diffs or when an error
For comparing large documents i would have found a DOM based diff tool
easier to navigate than a textual diff tool.
| ? + ? = To question
Paul Sandoz