Google Summer of Code - Binary XML Serialization

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 16:59:15 +0200


IaS pointed me to this Google project for integrating binary XML
solutions into Apache Axis.

Looks intereseting. FI is one of the formats chosen for integration.

The DFDL solution might be more problematic to implement. I do not know
  that much about it but i think it may have a similar complexity to
that of X.694 in terms of implementation.


WEEKLY SCHEDULEMark Pimentel, Google Summer of Code 2005
Week of July 10thConclude research of different formats. Will submit a \
documentoutlining the major aspects of the two representations that I
will belooking \
into�Fast Infoset & DFDL. Am currently targeting Fast Infosetas the
first schema to \
implement, and DFDL as the second. Week of July 17th Begin implementing
a StAX parser \
to write binary XML data using theFast Infoset standard. This week, I
will \
concentrate on writing theparser and achieving some type of module with
binary \
serializationfunctionality. Week of July 24thWill continue to adapt
parser to handle \
the Fast Infoset standard. Most of the work this week will be towards
expanding \
supportedlanguage. Week of July 31thThe goal for this week is to clean
up the first \
parser code, andperform more extensive testing. I will also prepare any \
progressreport information needed by the Google Summer of Code program.
Week of \
August 3rdBegin development of parser for DFDL standard. If similar
parts ofthe \
parser from the first can be used, then work from later weeks canbe
started. Week of \
August 14thWill continue fleshing out and expanding DFDL support. Week
of August \
21stAiming for more definite testing and verification of second parser.
If time \
permits, I will also start on a third parser. Week of August
28thImplementation of \
third representation, if possible. Otherwise,return to first two
parsers to ensure \
correctness and correct anyremaining integration issues.

| ? + ? = To question
    Paul Sandoz