Re: Fixes committed for roundtrip errors

From: Joe Wang <>
Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 22:53:44 -0700

Paul Sandoz wrote:

> Hi Joe,
> I have committed some fixes to solve the roundtrip errors for the
> valid sub-set of the well-formed XML 1.0 documents in the W3C XML test
> suite.
> Now we need to test against all the well-formed files.
Improved script ( to filter out:
all XML 1.1 files
files that fail Xerces test.

Xerces tests are now executed under each directory where xml files are
located. Will need to make sure roundtrip test does the same so that
external reference to .ent and .dtd files can be found.

Added FastInfosetRTCT (RoundTrip Conformance Test) along with the
scripts under /bin. There are so many files under data, I thought I'd
review them tomorrow before adding to the source tree. I'm attaching a
zip of all the files that passed the above test. Note that all xml
files under ibm/xml1.1 have been removed by the script, as well as empty
directories. There are still a few .ent and xml index files left. It's
attempting to simply remove ibm/xml1.1 directory. But I noticed at least
in one case a xml file referred to files outside its directory. I'll
take a further look tomorrow.

XML files previously failed Xerces test due to external reference
problem passed this test, for example, files under


> Paul.