Hi Joe,
Is the attached zip only meant to contain well-formed XML 1.0 documents?
Joe Wang wrote:
> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> Hi Joe,
>> I have committed some fixes to solve the roundtrip errors for the
>> valid sub-set of the well-formed XML 1.0 documents in the W3C XML test
>> suite.
>> Now we need to test against all the well-formed files.
> Improved script (xercesTest.sh) to filter out:
> all XML 1.1 files
> files that fail Xerces test.
> Xerces tests are now executed under each directory where xml files are
> located. Will need to make sure roundtrip test does the same so that
> external reference to .ent and .dtd files can be found.
> Added FastInfosetRTCT (RoundTrip Conformance Test) along with the
> scripts under /bin. There are so many files under data, I thought I'd
> review them tomorrow before adding to the source tree. I'm attaching a
> zip of all the files that passed the above test. Note that all xml
> files under ibm/xml1.1 have been removed by the script, as well as empty
> directories. There are still a few .ent and xml index files left. It's
> attempting to simply remove ibm/xml1.1 directory. But I noticed at least
> in one case a xml file referred to files outside its directory. I'll
> take a further look tomorrow.
> XML files previously failed Xerces test due to external reference
> problem passed this test, for example, files under
> /xmlconf/xmltest/valid/ext-sa.
> Joe
>> Paul.
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| ? + ? = To question
Paul Sandoz