Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> Joe Wang wrote:
>> Added RoundTripTests. Removed all files under FastInfosetRTCT. What's
>> annoying is that I couldn't get rid of any directories under
>> FastInfosetRTCT. Tried all the options I could find at cvshome.org.
>> Using cvs update -P, one could skip the empty FastInfosetRTCT
>> directory. But it would be nice to get rid of it completely.
>> Kohsuke, could you help remove the directory from the CVS server?
> You cannot use CVS to do this --- the idea is that CVS need them in
> case you need to resurrect them later; that's what a version control
> system is all about.
> We can ask the admins to physically delete them from the server. I
> believe the way to do it is file an issue to the java-net project.
> https://java-net.dev.java.net/issues/enter_bug.cgi?issue_type=TASK
> There's a 'cvs' category.
Thanks, Kohsuke. Issue submitted: