Re: Xj3D Early Results

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 18:10:48 +0100

Alan Hudson wrote:
>>> Size(bytes) Parsing Time(ms) Speed
>>>XML 20396657 10406 1 :1
>>>FI, Strings 20340458 5672 1:83 :1
>>>FI, builtins 11889015 1546 6.73
>>>:1 !!!
>>>Only near 700% speed improvement on parsing. Nice work!
>>Are you also binding the string data after parsing?
> yes, data is bound after the string parsing. All time is included in
> this chart. Ie the time it take to load the file, and parse into the
> applications space.

OK, that is good. Binding from strings is expensive!

>>I am wondering why 'FI, Strings' increase is not greater then 'XML'
>>and only smaller by 50K. If the 20 meg file contains mostly very large
>>attribute values and element content then i can see why this would be
>>the case.
> the data is almost all large attribute data in this file.


>>A little tool caculating the percentage of markup to content would be
>>very useful.
>>>I'm going to start adding our X3D specific encoders now. I expect
>>>they will help filesize but likely harm parsing speed.
>>We should also compare with GZIP XML and GZIP FI.
> agreed. when I put FI into the XSBC file comparison panel it will give
> us these comparisons. Right now all files are becoming smaller GZIP FI
> then GZIP XML.


>>>I'm also going to prototype a BYTE encoder for possible native
>>>inclusion into FI.
>>OK. We need to standardize the URI for this algorithm. Will this be
>>included in the X3D algorithms?
> I feel its more general then that. But I'm also happy to have X3D get a
> little more publicity by having this in its namespace. Your call.

I agree with you that it is a 'horizontal' algorithm.

If we cannot get this added to the first revision of the standard it
will have to get added as an amendment, which will take time so getting
it standardized through X3D might be quicker.

>>>I expect I can release a public version of this in a few days. Feel
>>>free to share these results, I expect to make more results available
>>>once I finish the implementation.
>>Great. We will be presenting a paper to XTech 2005 at the end of May
>>and some X3D numbers would be good to show off the use of encoding
>>algorithms (built-in and application).
> I will be showing this off at the Web3D conference March 28. And if we
> get into Java One then I and/or Don will show it there.

Excellent :-)


| ? + ? = To question
   Paul Sandoz