THe usual thing to do is to formalize a bit the steps needed before a
commit. It may be as simple as "incremental rebuild", or "build from
scratch", or "build from scratch and pass smoke test".
Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Huizhe Wang wrote:
>>> So that no one is inconvienienced in the interim time i have
>>> commented out the references to the StAXEventWriter in the
>>> StAXOutputFactory. Once this file is put back we can uncomment.
>> Oh good, smart move. That makes me feel relieved a little bit. I
>> especially rebuilt my project before checking anything in. But then I
>> realized some issues in the EventWriter and didn't check it in,
>> thinking it's not used right now. Bad judgement :(
> No problam it is an easy mistake to make, i have done it loads of times.
> With us all being in different time-zones the problem is compounded
> because sometimes a problem cannot be solved until we overlap in
> time-zones.
> I have been using the NetBeans CVS version manager which seems quite
> good. It allows you to easily check whether a file needs to be added or
> not.
> Paul.
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