
[jsr236-experts] Re: Public Review Draft candidate uploaded

From: Nathan Rauh <naterauh_at_us.ibm.com>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 13:26:52 -0600


It looks good. Thanks for making all of the updates!

Nathan Rauh
Software Engineer, WebSphere Application Server
IBM Rochester Bldg 002-2 C111
3605 Highway 52N
Rochester, MN 55901-7802

From: Anthony Lai <anthony.lai_at_oracle.com>
To: jsr236-experts_at_concurrency-ee-spec.java.net
Date: 12/20/2012 05:35 PM
Subject: [jsr236-experts] Public Review Draft candidate uploaded

Dear experts,

I have incorporated the feedback we have collected since the Early Draft
and have posted a candidate for Public Review Draft to the project

The document can be found at:

A version with changebars showing changes from the previous revision can
be found at:

Updated javadoc archive can be found at:

Regarding Javadoc changes, I have made the following changes in addition
to what we have discussed recently in the experts mailing list:
- Renamed getProperties() to getExecutionProperties() in ContextService
- Added a new requirement for proxy object in ContextService: The object
to have a proxy instance created for should not be a component managed by
the Java EE Produce Provider, such as web component or an EJB.

Browseable javadoc at http://concurrency-ee-spec.java.net/javadoc/ are
also updated with the same changes.

Please send any feedback to the
jsr236-experts_at_concurrency-ee-spec.java.net mailing list. Readers not on
the expert group can send feedback to users_at_concurrency-ee-spec.java.net
mailing list. We are hoping to submit Public Review Draft to the JCP on
Dec 27 to start the Public Review process in time to meet the Java EE 7
release schedule.
