A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W 


Accepts - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations
Defines the range of media-types that can be accepted by a resource for an update operation (e.g.
add(Boolean) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONArray.Builder
Add a boolean JSON value
add(CharSequence) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONArray.Builder
Add a String JSON value
add(JSONNode) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONArray.Builder
Add a JSON value containing another JSON document
add(Number) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONArray.Builder
Create a numeric JSON value
add(Object) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONArray.Builder
Add a value to an array.
add(JSONObject) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObject.Builder
Add all the properties in the existing JSONObject to this object.
add(String, Object) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObject.Builder
Add a property.
add(String, Boolean) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObject.Builder
Add a boolean JSON property
add(String, CharSequence) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObject.Builder
Add a String JSON property
add(String, JSONNode) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObject.Builder
Add a JSON property containing another JSON document
add(String, Number) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObject.Builder
Create a numeric JSON property
addAll(JSONArray) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONArray.Builder
Add all the items in the existing JSONArray to this array.
addNull() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONArray.Builder
Add a null value
addNull(String) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObject.Builder
Add a null property
append(JSONToken) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONWriter
Write a JSONToken instance to the stream.
append(char) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.EntityTag.Builder
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.EntityTag.Builder
append(CharSequence) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.EntityTag.Builder
Append text to the ETag value
ApplicationScoped - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.di.annotations
Identifies a type that must be instantiated only one time in the lifetime of an application.
Argument - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.cmdline.annotations
Describes a required argument of a Command.
array() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObjects
Create a new JSONArray.Builder instance
asByteArray(InputStream) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.io.IOStreams
buffer the contents of the specified byte stream into a byte[] array.
asInputStream(CharSequence) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.io.IOStreams
Convert a CharSequence into an InputStream instance
asInputStream(byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.io.IOStreams
Adapt the specified byte array to an instance of InputStream.
asString(InputStream) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.io.IOStreams
Buffer the contents of the specified byte stream into a String.
asString(Readable) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.io.IOStreams
Buffer the contents of the specified character stream into a String .
AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.FilterOrder
FilterOrder.AUTHENTICATION filters examine any credentials in the request and maps them to a Principal and roles.
AuthenticationChallenge - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security
Represents an authentication challenge that may be issued when a protected resource is accessed without proper authorization.
AuthenticationChallenge.Builder - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security
Build AuthenticationChallenge instances
AuthenticationChallenges - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security
Names well known HTTP Authentication Challenge instances.
AuthorizationConstraint - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security
Encapsulates the authorization constraints that restrict access to a given resource.
AuthorizationError - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security
Provides explanation for why authorization failed.
authorized(Principal) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.AuthorizationConstraint
Determines if a Principal is authorized to access this privilege.
AvailableDependencies - Enum in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.di
Enumerates the publicly available services that can be injected into plugins via the Inject annotation on a type's constructor.


BASIC - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.AuthenticationChallenges
Unique name of the HTTP Basic Authentication Challenge
booleanValue() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONToken
Returns the value of a property as a Boolean instance.
build() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONArray.Builder
build() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONNode.Builder
Build the JSONNode instance
build() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObject.Builder
build() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationContext.Builder
Create the immutable PaginationContext instance
build() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.AuthenticationChallenge.Builder
build() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.EntityTag.Builder
Build the immutable EntityTag instance
builder() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.EntityTags
Return a new instance of an EntityTag.Builder


Challenge - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.annotations
Represents an authentication challenge
ChallengeParameter - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.annotations
Represents a parameter in a Challenge
challenges() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.AuthorizationConstraint
Returns the authentication AuthenticationChallenges that are bound to this constraint.
Command - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.cmdline.annotations
Describes a command line command
CommandProvider - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.cmdline
A service that provides a command line invocable operation.
Configuration - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.conf
Represents a set of configuration properties.
constraint(String) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.PrivilegeConstraints
Get the AuthorizationConstraint associated with the named Privilege
constraints() - Method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.di.AvailableDependencies
The Annotations that may constrain the scope of the dependency
containsKey(Object) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.collections.MultiMap
Test if this object contains the specified key.
copy(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.io.IOStreams
Copy the contents of a InputStream to an OutputStream
copy(Readable, Appendable) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.io.IOStreams
Copy the contents of a Readable (input character stream) to an Appendable (output character stream)
copy(ReadableByteChannel, WritableByteChannel) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.io.IOStreams
Copy the contents of a ReadableByteChannel (input byte stream) to a WritableByteChannel (output byte stream)
CORS - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations
Defines CrossOriginSharingPolicy default policy for all annotated types or packages.
CrossOriginSharingPolicy - Enum in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations


DEFAULT - Static variable in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations.DocumentationPolicy
DEFAULT - Static variable in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations.FramePolicy
Default FramePolicy
DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in annotation type oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations.PathTemplate
Default priority value
description() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.AuthorizationError
Provides a localizable human readable description of the error.
description() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.EndUserAuthorizationConstraint
Description of the purpose of the constraint.
digest(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.EntityTag.Builder
Indicates whether the value should be hashed by a secure hash.
Dispatches - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations
Annotation that should be applied to sub-types of HttpServlet to describe the URI patterns that the servlet can dispatch.
DISPATCHING - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.FilterOrder
FilterOrder.DISPATCHING is the final phase, where a decision is made about which servlet will service the request
Documentation - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations
Defines default documentation policy for annotated type, method or package
DocumentationPolicy - Enum in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations
Describes how a resource should be documented.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.HasGetMethod
Public doGet(HttpServletRequest,HttpServletResponse) method, which can be invoked by the runtime
doPatch(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.HttpServletBase
doPatch(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.SupportsPatch
Perform a HTTP PATCH operation.


emptyStream() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.io.IOStreams
Return an InputStream containing zero bytes
endArray() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONWriter
End an array, emit the closing square bracket (]).
endObject() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONWriter
End an object, emit the closing brace (}).
EndUserAuthorizationConstraint - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security
A specialization of AuthorizationConstraint for constraints that are intended to require approval by an end-user (e.g.
EntityTag - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet
ETag header values MUST conform to the syntax mandated in RFC 2616 section 3.11:
entityTag(String) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.EntityTags
This method formats a textual value into a digested, strong EntityTag value.
entityTag(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.EntityTags
Parses an EntityTag value from the specified header.
EntityTag.Builder - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet
Build an EntityTag instance
EntityTag.Strength - Enum in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet
The 'strength' of the ETag value: A "strong entity tag" MAY be shared by two entities of a resource only if they are equivalent by octet equality.
EntityTags - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet
Provides services for validating "If-Match" and "If-None-Match" request headers.
entries() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.collections.MultiMap
Get each key value pair in this multi-map.
equals(Object) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.AuthorizationConstraint
All AuthorizationConstraint implementations MUST implement the Object.equals(Object) method correctly.
equals(AuthorizationConstraint) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.AuthorizationConstraint
All AuthorizationConstraint implementations MUST implement the AuthorizationConstraint.equals(AuthorizationConstraint) method correctly.
error(CharSequence, Translatable) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.AuthenticationChallenge.Builder
Create an error parameter and an error_description parameter
error() - Method in exception oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.NotAuthorizedException
ErrorResponseHandler - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet
Callback interface optionally implemented by HttpServlet sub-classes.
ETAG - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.EntityTags
etag(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, HasGetMethod) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.EntityTags
Adapt a HttpServletResponse to produce a strong "ETag" generated from a secure digest of the response headers and body.
execute(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.cmdline.CommandProvider
Execute the command
ExtensionPoints - Enum in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api
Enumerates the types of extensions that plugins can provide.


FilterOrder - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet
The filtering pipeline consists of a number of distinct phases.
FINE - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging.Log
fine(String) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging.Log
Log a message at the Log.FINE level
fine(Throwable) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging.Log
Log a Throwable at the Log.FINE level
FINER - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging.Log
finer(String) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging.Log
Log a message at the Log.FINER level
finer(Throwable) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging.Log
Log a Throwable at the Log.FINE level
FINEST - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging.Log
finest(String) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging.Log
Log a message at the Log.FINEST level
finest(Throwable) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging.Log
Log a Throwable at the Log.FINE level
finished() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationState
Indicates if the required number of items have been added to the page
first() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationState
Returns a fully qualified URI for the link to the first page of items
firstPreference() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.i18n.LocalePreference
The most preferred locale
FrameOptions - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations
Defines what value the resource should emit for the X-Frame-Options header
FramePolicy - Enum in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations
Defines how this resource wishes to restrict user-agents from framing the resource in a <frame> or <iframe> via the X-Frame-Options header.


get(Object) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.collections.MultiMap
Get the first value associated with the specified key.
get(String) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.conf.Configuration
Get a property value
get(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.conf.Configuration
Get a property value
get(String) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObject
Get the value of the named property
getConstraint(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.HasDynamicAuthorization
Determine the AuthorizationConstraint that applies to a resource.
getConstraint(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.HttpServletBase
getPassword(String) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.conf.Configuration
Retrieves an encrypted configuration property (typically passwords).


HasDynamicAuthorization - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet
Optional interface implemented by HttpServlets which need to dynamically determine what AuthorizationConstraint is required for a request.
HasGetMethod - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet
Optional interface implemented by HttpServlets that wish to leverage the EntityTags.etag(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, HasGetMethod) method to automatically produce an ETag header.
hashCode() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.AuthorizationConstraint
All AuthorizationConstraint implementations MUST implement the Object.hashCode() method correctly.
hasNext() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONReader
Indicates if there any more JSONTokens in the stream.
hasPrecondition(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.EntityTags
Determine if the specified request is a conditional HTTP request.
HasPrivileges - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security
Service that can provide zero or more Privilege instances.
HttpServletBase - Class in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet
Alternative base class for HttpServlet implementations, providing SupportsPatch and HasDynamicAuthorization support.
HttpServletBase() - Constructor for class oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.HttpServletBase


IF_MATCH - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.EntityTags
IF_NONE_MATCH - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.EntityTags
INFO - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging.Log
info(String) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging.Log
Log a message at the Log.INFO level
info(Throwable) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging.Log
Log a Throwable at the Log.FINE level
IOStreams - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.io
Methods for working with InputStream, OutputStream, Readable, and Appendable streams.
isEmpty() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.collections.MultiMap
Returns true if this MultiMap contains no key-value mappings.
isEmpty() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONNode
Indicates if this node has any child elements
isEmptyStream(InputStream) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.io.IOStreams
Checks if the specified InputStream is the empty stream instance provided by IOStreams.emptyStream().
isLoggable(Level) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging.Log
Determines if the specified log Level is enabled for this logger
ITEM_OFFSET - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationContext
The zero based offset of the first item to appear in the page
itemOffset(long) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationContext.Builder
Specify the offset of the first item to appear in the page
itemOffset() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationContext
The zero based index offset of the first item to appear in the page


JSONArray - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects
An array of zero or more values
JSONArray.Builder - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects
Build a JSONArray instance
JSONIOException - Exception in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json
An unchecked exception raised whenever a checked IOException is encountered on the underlying stream that the JSON API is operating on.
JSONIOException(IOException) - Constructor for exception oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONIOException
JSONNode - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects
Represents a JSONObject or JSONArray in a JSON document.
JSONNode.Builder - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects
Abstract interface implemented by all builders that build JSONNode instances
JSONNode.Type - Enum in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects
The type of node in the object hierarchy
JSONObject - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects
Represents a JSON object
JSONObject.Builder - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects
Build JSONObject instances
JSONObjects - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects
API for creating in memory JSON Object representations, and for serializing in memory Object Graphs to JSON representations.
JSONReader - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json
Reads a stream of JSONToken instances from an underlying character stream, using the Iterator pattern.
jsonReader(Readable) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONStreams
Wrap the specified character stream in a JSONReader instance
jsonReader(CharSequence) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONStreams
Wrap the specified character sequence in a JSONReader instance
jsonReader(InputStream) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONStreams
Wrap the specified byte stream in a JSONReader instance
JSONStreams - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json
Service for generating readable and writable JSON streams from character streams.
JSONToken - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json
A token in a JSON character stream.
JSONToken.Type - Enum in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json
Enumerates the different kinds of tokens that occur in a JSON stream
jsonWriter(OutputStream) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONStreams
Wrap the specified byte stream in a JSONWriter instance.
jsonWriter(Appendable) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONStreams
Wrap the specified character stream in a JSONWriter instance.
JSONWriter - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json
Writes JSON content to a character stream.


keySet() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.collections.MultiMap
The set of keys in this object


label() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.EndUserAuthorizationConstraint
Title for the constraint that should be displayed to the end-user.
Lifecycle - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api
Extension point for services interested in responding to application startup and shutdown events.
limit(long) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationContext.Builder
Specify the maximum number of items in the page
LIMIT - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationContext
The requested maximum number of items in the page.
limit() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationContext
The requested maximum number of items in the page.
limit() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationMetadata
Indicates the maximum number of items per page for this resource.
limit() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationState
The maximum number of items to appear in the page.
LocalePreference - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.i18n
Represents a user's preferred language, ordered from most to least preferred
Log - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging
Provides a slightly easier to use API compared to the JDK Logger API.


map() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.collections.MultiMap
Represent this MultiMap as a Map<K,Collection<V>> data structure, where values are grouped by key.
matchedTemplate(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.routes.PathTemplates
Determines the PathTemplate that was matched to the request
MAX_PATH_LENGTH - Static variable in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations.PathSyntaxPolicy
Over-long path names can cause diminished/denial of service attacks, so we restrict the maximum file path we will process
maximumLimit() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.Pagination
Indicates the system wide maximum number of items that a single page may contain.
modify() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONArray
Return a JSONArray.Builder instance initialized with the state of this JSONArray instance
modify() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObject
Create a JSONObject.Builder instance populated with the state of this JSONObject instance
modify() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationContext
Modify this PaginationContext
modify() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.AuthenticationChallenge
Modify this AuthenticationChallenge instance
MultiMap<K,V> - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.collections
A MultiMap is like a Map except that a key can be bound to multiple values.


name() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.routes.PathTemplateMatch
The optional mnemonic name assigned to the PathTemplate that was matched to this request, in other words the value of the PathTemplate.name() property.
name() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.AuthorizationConstraint
The unique name assigned to this constraint.
name() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.AuthorizationError
Provides a mnemonic identifier for the error.
next() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONReader
Returns the next JSONToken in the stream.
next() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationState
Returns a fully qualified URI for the link to the next page of items, IFF there is a subsequent page.
NO_PRIVILEGE - Static variable in annotation type oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations.RequiresPrivilege
Indicates that a resource is not protected, i.e it has public access
NOT_PAGED - Static variable in annotation type oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations.PageSize
Indicates a Resource is not paged
NOT_PAGINATED - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationMetadata
Constant indicating a resource is not paginated
NOT_PAGINATED - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationState
Constant denoting the pagination state (or rather lack of state) of a non-paginated resource.
NotAuthorizedException - Exception in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security
Raised whenever a resource is accessed that the current user does not have permission to access.
NotAuthorizedException(String, AuthorizationError, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.NotAuthorizedException
Raises a NotAuthorizedException condition requiring the user to have authenticated against the specified Privilege.
NotAuthorizedException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.NotAuthorizedException
Raises a NotAuthorizedException condition requiring the user to have authenticated against the AuthorizationConstraint, chaining the cause parameter as the underlying cause of the authorization failure.
nullValue() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONWriter
Emit a null property value.
numberValue() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONToken
Returns the value of a property as a Number instance.


object() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObjects
Create a new JSONObject.Builder instance
offset() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationState
The offset of the first item to appear in the page
onError(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, int, Throwable) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.ErrorResponseHandler
Called when the runtime is about to raise an error condition (i.e report an HTTP status code in the 400-499 range).
onError(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, int, Throwable) - Method in class oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.HttpServletBase
Option - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.cmdline.annotations
Describes an optional argument to a command.
Optional - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.di.annotations
When present on a constructor parameter, indicates that the specified dependency is optional.
oracle.dbtools.plugin.api - package oracle.dbtools.plugin.api
Enumerates the ExtensionPoints that plugins can extend.
oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.cmdline - package oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.cmdline
Extension point for plugins that contribute command line commands.
oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.cmdline.annotations - package oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.cmdline.annotations
Annotations to express the arguments and options of a CommandProvider.
oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.collections - package oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.collections
Provides the MultiMap collection type.
oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.conf - package oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.conf
Services for reading Configuration settings
oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.di - package oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.di
A javax.inject compatible Dependency Injection (D.I.) framework.
oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.di.annotations - package oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.di.annotations
Annotations used to make types discoverable by the dependency injection (D.I.) framework.
oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations - package oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations
Annotations to describe what URL patterns and HTTP methods a HttpServlet support.
oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.i18n - package oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.i18n
Internationaliztion APIs for plugins.
oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.i18n.annotations - package oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.i18n.annotations
Internationalization Annotations
oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.io - package oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.io
Services for manipulating input and output streams
oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json - package oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) APIs for reading and writing JSON character streams.
oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects - package oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects
API for creating in memory representations of JSON object graphs (JSONObjects) and for serializing object graphs to JSON representations.
oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging - package oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging
Provides a logging service.
oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination - package oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination
Provides facilities for consistent handling of Pagination
oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.routes - package oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.routes
oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security - package oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security
Resource authorization APIs
oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.annotations - package oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.annotations
Annotations describing the security constraints of a service.
oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet - package oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet
Extensions to the Servlet API.


PAGE_OFFSET - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationContext
The zero based offset of the page
pageOffset(long) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationContext.Builder
pageOffset() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationContext
The zero based page offset
PageSize - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations
Defines the default page size for the annotated type, method or package
paginated(PaginationStrategy) - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationStrategy
Test a Pagination Strategy requires pagination
Pagination - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination
Provides services for Paginating resources
PaginationContext - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination
Describes the requested pagination parameters for a HttpServletRequest.
PaginationContext.Builder - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination
Build PaginationContext instances
PaginationMetadata - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination
Describes how a resource should be paginated
PaginationState - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination
Tracks the state required for paginating a subset of items in a collection.
PaginationStrategy - Enum in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination
The type of pagination strategy used by a resource.
parameter(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.AuthenticationChallenge.Builder
Create a parameter with a value which cannot be localized
parameter(CharSequence, Translatable) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.AuthenticationChallenge.Builder
Create a parameter with a value which may be localized
parameters() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.routes.PathTemplateMatch
The parameters extracted from the matching request path.
parameters(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.routes.PathTemplateMatch
The parameters extracted from the matching request path.
parameters() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.AuthenticationChallenge
The parameters associated with this challenge
parse(CharSequence) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.EntityTags
Parses text into an EntityTag value.
PATCH - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.SupportsPatch
PathSyntaxPolicy - Enum in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations
Determines what validation is performed on the path portion of a request URI.
PathTemplate - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations
Describes the URI pattern of resources that a type Dispatches.
PathTemplateMatch - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.routes
Represents the PathTemplate that was matched to a request
PathTemplates - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.routes
Services for working with PathTemplateMatch instances
pattern() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.routes.PathTemplateMatch
The pattern of the PathTemplate that was matched against this request
previous() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationState
Returns a fully qualified URI for the link to the previous page of items
Priority - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.di.annotations
Annotates types with a priority value.
Privilege - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.annotations
Defines a logical security Privilege, that a caller must have in order to access a resource.
privilege(String) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.HasPrivileges
Get the Privilege instance for the specified name
privilege(String) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.Privileges
Get the Privilege instance with the specified name
PrivilegeConstraints - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security
Resolve an authoriation constraint name to a AuthorizationConstraint instance
Privileges - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security
Utility methods for working with Privilege instances
property(String, CharSequence) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONWriter
Emit a property with a textual value.
propertyName() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONToken
Returns the name of a property.
propertyName(String) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONWriter
Emit the name of a property
propertyNames() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.conf.Configuration
Enumerates the name of each defined configuration property.
propertyNames() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObject
Enumerate the property names of this JSONObject
Provides - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.di.annotations
Indicates that a class provides one or more services.


QUERY_FIELDS - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationContext
The reserved names of query string fields used by Pagination.


read(CharSequence) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObjects
Parse a character stream into a JSONObject or JSONArray instance
read(InputStream) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObjects
Parse a byte stream into a JSONObject or JSONArray instance
read(Iterator<JSONToken>) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObjects
Parse a JSONToken stream into a JSONObject or JSONArray instance
read(Reader) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObjects
Parse a character stream into a JSONObject or JSONArray instance
Realm - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.annotations
Describes the constraints of a security Realm,
realm(CharSequence) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.AuthenticationChallenge.Builder
Specify the realm parameter for this challenge
remove() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONReader
remove(String) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObject.Builder
Remove the named property
RequestScoped - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.di.annotations
Identifies a type that must be instantiated only one time per scope.
RequiresPrivilege - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations
Identifies the name of a logical Privilege that protects this type, method, or package.
RETARGETTING - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.FilterOrder
FilterOrder.RETARGETTING filters examine a request and re-write the request so that it is dispatched to a different request URL.


scheme() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.AuthenticationChallenge
The Authentication scheme for this challenge (e.g.
service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.HttpServletBase
SEVERE - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging.Log
severe(String) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging.Log
Log a message at the Log.SEVERE level
severe(Throwable) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging.Log
Log a Throwable at the Log.FINE level
showItem(long) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationState
Must be called by the client paging the resource, each time a new item is about to be added to the page.
shutdown() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.Lifecycle
Called when the application is shutting down and after request processing has ceased.
size() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.collections.MultiMap
The number of entries in this MultiMap.
size() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONNode
The number of child elements in this node
startArray() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONWriter
Start an array, emit the opening square bracket([)
startObject() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONWriter
Start an object, emit the opening brace ({).
startPagination(HttpServletRequest, PaginationMetadata) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.Pagination
Determine the maximum number of items that should be included in the representation of the specified request
startup() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.Lifecycle
Called when the application is starting up and before request processing has commenced.
STREAMING - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.FilterOrder
FilterOrder.STREAMING filters are applied first and are used to manipulate the content of the request or response, for example to apply compression to responses.
strength(EntityTag.Strength) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.EntityTag.Builder
strength() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.EntityTag
The Entity Tag EntityTag.Strength
stringValue() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONToken
Returns the value of a property as a String.
SupportsPatch - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet
Optional interface indicating that a servlet supports the HTTP PATCH method.


toString(Iterable<Locale>) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.i18n.Translatable
Translate a message to the most preferred available localization
toString() - Method in exception oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.NotAuthorizedException
Translatable - Interface in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.i18n
An object encapsulating some kind of localizable message.
TranslatableText - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.i18n.annotations
Annotation that represents a Translatable
Transport - Annotation Type in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.annotations
Defines the transport protocol requirements of a resource
TransportPolicy - Enum in oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.annotations
Defines what transport level security must be used
type() - Method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.di.AvailableDependencies
The type of the dependency
type() - Method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.ExtensionPoints
The type of the extension point
type() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONToken
This token's type
type() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONNode
The type of JSONNode
type() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationMetadata
The type of pagination strategy that this resource should use.


uncloseable(InputStream) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.io.IOStreams
Wrapper an InputStream so it cannot be closed.
uri() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.AuthorizationError
Provides the location of a resource that describes the error condition.
URL_MAPPING - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.FilterOrder
FilterOrder.URL_MAPPING filters are applied next, and are used to map the request to a particular backing store, for example to map a request to a particular schema in a particular database.
USE_DEFAULT_CONSTRAINTS - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.HasDynamicAuthorization
Constant denoting that the runtime's default logic for discovering what AuthorizationConstraint to apply to a request should be used.


validatePrecondition(HttpServletRequest, CharSequence) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.EntityTags
Validate whether the pre-condition in the request matches the current "ETag" value of the requested resource.
value(Boolean) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONWriter
Emit a boolean value, mapping it to the unquoted values: true or false
value(CharSequence) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONWriter
Emit a textual value, quoting and escaping the string
value(Number) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONWriter
Emit a numeric value.
value(Reader) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONWriter
Emit a textual value, quoting and escaping the string.
value() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.EntityTag
The decoded value of the EntityTag, i.e.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.di.AvailableDependencies
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.ExtensionPoints
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations.CrossOriginSharingPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations.DocumentationPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations.FramePolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations.PathSyntaxPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONToken.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONNode.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.annotations.TransportPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.EntityTag.Strength
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values(Object) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.collections.MultiMap
Get all the values associated with the specified key.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.di.AvailableDependencies
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.ExtensionPoints
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations.CrossOriginSharingPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations.DocumentationPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations.FramePolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.http.annotations.PathSyntaxPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.JSONToken.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONArray
Enumerate the values in this JSONArray
values() - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONNode.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.pagination.PaginationStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.security.annotations.TransportPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.servlet.EntityTag.Strength
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WARNING - Static variable in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging.Log
warning(String) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging.Log
Log a message at the Log.WARNING level
warning(Throwable) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.logging.Log
Log a Throwable at the Log.FINE level
write(Appendable, JSONNode) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObjects
Serialize a JSON Object graph to it's textual representation
write(Appendable, Object) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObjects
Serialize any Java Object graph to it's textual representation.
write(JSONWriter, JSONNode) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObjects
Serialize a JSON Object graph to a JSONWriter stream
write(JSONWriter, Object) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObjects
Serialize any Java Object graph to a JSONWriter stream.
write(OutputStream, JSONNode) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObjects
Serialize a JSON Object graph to it's textual representation
write(OutputStream, Object) - Method in interface oracle.dbtools.plugin.api.json.objects.JSONObjects
Serialize any Java Object graph to it's textual representation.
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