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Visual Editor

The new WYSIWYG Visual Editor for HTML, JSP, and UIX XML lets you design web pages fluidly and interactively.

Visual Editor Component Palette and Property Inspector



The WYSIWYG Visual Editor is tightly integrated and synchronized with the Code Editor, Structure window, Property Inspector, and Component Palette, providing an overall superior visual editing experience. When you make a change to a web page in one of these tools, the change is reflected in others as well.

The JSP/HTML and UIX Visual Editors are windows in which you can directly manipulate visual user interface components in a JSP, HTML, or UIX XML page using actions such as drag and drop. When you open a file in the Visual Editor, the page is rendered in HTML and associated web formats, just as it will appear in a web browser when deployed. That means that when you edit visual characteristics of the page in the editor, you immediately see the results of your edits, as they will appear in a browser.

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