Oracle JDBC API Reference
11g Release 2 ("")


  extended by oracle.sql.ANYDATA
All Implemented Interfaces:
oracle.jdbc.internal.ObjectData, OracleData, ORAData

public class ANYDATA
extends java.lang.Object
implements ORAData, OracleData

This class is the Java mapping of the SYS.ANYDATA SQL type. Instances of this type are self-descriptive. They contain a type description as well the actual content (also called the embedded object).

You can construct an ANYDATA instance from a Datum instance using ANYDATA.convertDatum(Datum). The following example shows how to construct an ANYDATA instance that encapsulates a NUMBER:

  NUMBER num = new NUMBER(12345);
  ANYDATA anydt = ANYDATA.convertDatum(num);
The ANYDATA.convertDatum(Datum) method is the java equivalent of the PLSQL ConvertXXX procedures. In the previous example we could also have used PLSQL to construct the ANYDATA instance and retrieve it in Java:
  // conn being a JDBC connection
  Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
  ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select ANYDATA.ConvertNUMBER(12345) from dual");
  ANYDATA anydt = null;
    anydt = (ANYDATA)rs.getObject(1);

The public method getTypeDescriptor() returns an instance of TypeDescriptor which provides a description of the type. To retrieve the actual data, use accessDatum() which returns an instance of Datum. To know what to cast it to, use the type description. For example:

  Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
  ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select anydatacol from foo");
    ANYDATA anydt = (ANYDATA)rs.getObject(1);
    TypeDescriptor typedesc = anydt.getTypeDescriptor();
    Datum embeddedDatum = anydt.accessDatum();
    if(typedesc.getTypeCode() == TypeDescriptor.TYPECODE_DATE)
      // the embedded object is a DATE:
      DATE datedatum = (DATE)embeddedDatum;
      // etc.
    else if(typedesc.getTypeCode() == TypeDescriptor.TYPECODE_NUMBER)
      // the embedded object is a NUMBER
      NUMBER numberdatum = (NUMBER)embeddedDatum;
      // etc.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String BUILD_DATE
static boolean TRACE
Method Summary
 Datum accessDatum()
          Returns the embedded object.
static ANYDATA convertDatum(Datum datum)
          Constructs an ANYDATA instance from any instance of Datum.
 byte[] getData()
          Returns the linearized form of the embedded object value.
 TypeDescriptor getTypeDescriptor()
          Returns the type description of this ANYDATA instance.
 boolean isNull()
          Returns true if the data part of this ANYDATA instance is null and false otherwise.
 boolean isREF()
          Returns true if the embedded object is a REF and false otherwise.
 java.lang.String stringValue()
          Returns a string representation of this ANYDATA.
 java.lang.String stringValue(java.sql.Connection _connection)
          Returns a string representation of this ANYDATA.
 Datum toDatum(java.sql.Connection c)
          Extract an oracle.sql.Datum object.
 java.lang.Object toJDBCObject(java.sql.Connection c)
          Extract a jdbc Object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String BUILD_DATE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final boolean TRACE
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public Datum toDatum(java.sql.Connection c)
              throws java.sql.SQLException
Description copied from interface: ORAData
Extract an oracle.sql.Datum object.

This method is invoked by setORAData() to extract a Datum. The implementation of this method must return the correct type of Datum.

Although most implementation will ignore the connection, it is occassionally needed. For example, if the class embeds CHAR attributes, connection may be needed to determine the database character set.

Specified by:
toDatum in interface ORAData
c - The connection into which the value is being sent.
a Datum contaning the value to be sent into the connection.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurred.


public java.lang.Object toJDBCObject(java.sql.Connection c)
                              throws java.sql.SQLException
Description copied from interface: OracleData
Extract a jdbc Object.

This method is invoked by setObject() to extract the jdbc Object. The implementation must return the jdbc Object that correctly represents the underlying SQLType.

Although most implementation will ignore the connection, it is ocassionally needed. for example, if the class embeds CHAR attributes, connection may be needed to determine the database character set.

Specified by:
toJDBCObject in interface OracleData
c - The connection into which the value is being sent.
a jdbc Object contianing the value to be sent into the connection.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurred.


public static ANYDATA convertDatum(Datum datum)
                            throws java.sql.SQLException
Constructs an ANYDATA instance from any instance of Datum.



public TypeDescriptor getTypeDescriptor()
Returns the type description of this ANYDATA instance.


public boolean isNull()
Returns true if the data part of this ANYDATA instance is null and false otherwise.


public byte[] getData()
Returns the linearized form of the embedded object value. This method is an internal method.


public boolean isREF()
Returns true if the embedded object is a REF and false otherwise.


public java.lang.String stringValue()
                             throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns a string representation of this ANYDATA. The string contains both the type code name and a string representation of the embedded object.

For example the following code:

     String sql = "select anydata.ConvertDate(TO_DATE('Jan 15, 2006, 11:00 AM', "
            +" 'Mon dd, YYYY, HH:MI AM')) from dual";
     Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
     ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);;
     ANYDATA ad = (ANYDATA)rs.getObject(1);
will print in stdout the following string:
     ANYDATA TypeCode: "TYPECODE_DATE" -  ANYDATA Value: "1/15/2006 11:0:0"



public java.lang.String stringValue(java.sql.Connection _connection)
                             throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns a string representation of this ANYDATA. The string contains both the type code name and a string representation of the embedded object.

For example the following code:

     String sql = "select anydata.ConvertTIMESTAMPTZ(TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ("
      +" TIMESTAMP'1997-06-22 08:30:00' AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Calcutta')) from dual";
     Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
     ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);;
     ANYDATA ad = (ANYDATA)rs.getObject(1);
     // Pass connection to the types that require connection to print
     // eg: oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ, oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
will print in stdout the following string:
     ANYDATA TypeCode: "TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP_TZ" - ANYDATA Value: "1997-6-22 Asia/Calcutta"

_connection - OracleConnection object


public Datum accessDatum()
                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns the embedded object. Use getTypeDescripor() to retrieve type description of this embedded object. You will then be able to cast it to the right oracle.sql. class.


Oracle JDBC API Reference
11g Release 2 ("")

Copyright © 1998, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.