Oracle JDBC API Reference
11g Release 2 ("")

Interface TableChangeDescription

public interface TableChangeDescription

This interface describes a database change at the table level.

The information includes:


Nested Class Summary
static class TableChangeDescription.TableOperation
Method Summary
 int getObjectNumber()
          Returns the object number (Oracle internal information).
 RowChangeDescription[] getRowChangeDescription()
          Returns the row level change description of the notification.
 java.lang.String getTableName()
          Returns the name of the table.
 java.util.EnumSet<TableChangeDescription.TableOperation> getTableOperations()
          Returns the table operations that affected this table.

Method Detail


java.util.EnumSet<TableChangeDescription.TableOperation> getTableOperations()
Returns the table operations that affected this table.

More than one operation can have affected this table. For example, one row can have been inserted and another can have been deleted. So this method returns an EnumSet of TableOperation.

The row level description will contain the details but it isn't always available.


java.lang.String getTableName()
Returns the name of the table.


int getObjectNumber()
Returns the object number (Oracle internal information).


RowChangeDescription[] getRowChangeDescription()
Returns the row level change description of the notification.

The row level change description is only available if the operation is a DML operation such as insert, update or delete.

Oracle JDBC API Reference
11g Release 2 ("")

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