Oracle JDBC API Reference
11g Release 2 ("")

Class OracleDriver

  extended by oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
      extended by oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class OracleDriver
extends oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

The Oracle JDBC driver class that implements the java.sql.Driver interface.

Register the JDBC drivers

To access a database from a Java application, you must first provide the code to register your installed driver with your program. You do this with the static registerDriver() method of the java.sql.DriverManager class. This class provides a basic service for managing a set of JDBC drivers. The registerDriver() method takes as input a "driver" class, that is, a class that implements the java.sql.Driver interface, as is the case with OracleDriver.

Note: Alternatively, you can use the forName() method of the java.lang.Class class to load the JDBC drivers directly. For example: Class.forName ("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver");. However, this method is valid only for JDK-compliant Java virtual machines. It is not valid for Microsoft Java virtual machines.

You register the driver only once in your Java application.

  DriverManager.registerDriver (new oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver());

Open a Connection to a database

Once you have registered the driver, you can open a connection to the database with the static getConnection() method of the java.sql.DriverManager class. The type of the object returned is java.sql.Connection.

Understanding the Forms of getConnection()

Specifying a Databse URL, User Name, and Password

The following signature takes the URL, user name, and password as separate parameters:

getConnection(String URL, String user, String password);

Where the URL is of the form:

The following example connects user scott with password tiger to a database with SID orcl through port 1521 of host myhost, using the Thin driver.

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection
  ("jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost:1521:orcl", "scott", "tiger");

Specifying a Databse URL That Includes User Name and Password

The following signature takes the URL, user name, and password all as part of a URL parameter:

getConnection(String URL);

Where the URL is of the form:

The following example connects user scott with password tiger to a database on host myhost using the OCI driver. In this case, however, the URL includes the userid and password, and is the only input parameter.

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection

If you want to connect with the Thin driver, you must specify the port number and SID. For example, if you want to connect to the database on host myhost that has a TCP/IP listener up on port 1521, and the SID (system identifier) is orcl:

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection

Specifying a Database URL and Properties Object

The following signature takes a URL, together with a properties object that specifies user name and password (perhaps among other things):

getConnection(String URL, Properties info);

Where the URL is of the form:

In addition to the URL, use an object of the standard Java Properties class as input. For example:

java.util.Properties info = new java.util.Properties();
  info.put ("user", "scott");
  info.put ("password","tiger");
  info.put ("defaultRowPrefetch","15");
  getConnection ("jdbc:oracle:oci8:@",info);

The table below lists the connection properties that Oracle JDBC drivers support.

Connection Properties Recognized by Oracle JDBC Drivers

Name Short Name Type Description
user  n/a  String  the user name for logging into the database 
password  n/a  String  the password for logging into the database 
database  server  String  the connect string for the database 
internal_logon  n/a  String  a role, such as sysdba or sysoper, that allows you to log on as sys 
defaultRowPrefetch  prefetch  String (containing integer value)  the default number of rows to prefetch from the server (default value is "10") 
remarksReporting  remarks  String (containing boolean value)  "true" if getTables() and getColumns() should report TABLE_REMARKS; equivalent to using setRemarksReporting() (default value is "false") 
defaultBatchValue  batchvalue  String (containing integer value)  the default batch value that triggers an execution request (default value is "10") 
includeSynonyms  synonyms  String (containing boolean value)  "true" to include column information from predefined "synonym" SQL entities when you execute a DataBaseMetaData getColumns() call; equivalent to connection setIncludeSynonyms() call (default value is "false") 
processEscapes  n/a  String (containing boolean value)  "false" to disable escape processing for statements (Statement or PreparedStatement) created from this connection. Set this to "false" if you want to avoid many calls to Statement.setEscapeProcessing(false);. This is espcially usefull for PreparedStatement where a call to setEscapeProcessing(false) would have no effect. The default is "true".  
defaultNChar  n/a  String (containing boolean value)  "false" is the default. If set to "true", the default behavior for handling character datatypes is changed so that NCHAR/NVARCHAR2 become the default. This means that setFormOfUse() won't be needed anymore when using NCHAR/NVARCHAR2. This can also be set as a java property :
java -Doracle.jdbc.defaultNChar=true myApplication  
useFetchSizeWithLongColumn  n/a  String (containing boolean value)  "false" is the default.
If set to "true", the performance when retrieving data in a 'SELECT' will be improved but the default behavior for handling LONG columns will be changed to fetch multiple rows (prefetch size). It means that enough memory will be allocated to read this data. So if you want to use this property, make sure that the LONG columns you are retrieving are not too big or you may run out of memory. This property can also be set as a java property :
java -Doracle.jdbc.useFetchSizeWithLongColumn=true myApplication  
SetFloatAndDoubleUseBinary  n/a  String (containing boolean value)  "false" is the default.
If set to "true", causes the java.sql.PreparedStatment setFloat and setDouble API's to use internal binary format as for BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE parameters.
See oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement setBinaryFloat and setBinaryDouble

Select your driver type : thin, oci, kprb...

Oralce provides four types of JDBC driver.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String BUILD_DATE
static boolean TRACE
Fields inherited from class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
access_string, accumulate_batch_result, batch_string, convert_nchar_literals_string, database_string, dataSizeBytes, dataSizeChars, dataSizeUnitsPropertyName, default_execute_batch_string, default_row_prefetch_string, defaultnchar_string, defaultncharprop_string, disable_defineColumnType_string, dll_string, execute_batch_string, fixed_string_string, include_synonyms_string, j2ee_compliance, jdbc_string, logon_as_internal_str, nls_lang_backdoor, no_caching_buffers, oracle_string, password_string, permit_timestamp_date_mismatch_string, prefetch_string, prelim_auth_string, process_escapes_string, protocol_string, protocolFullName_string, proxy_client_name, read_timeout, remarks_string, report_remarks_string, restrict_getTables_string, retain_v9_bind_behavior_string, row_prefetch_string, server_string, set_new_password_string, SetFloatAndDoubleUseBinary_string, StreamChunkSize_string, synonyms_string, systemTypeMap, tcp_no_delay, useFetchSizeWithLongColumn_prop_string, useFetchSizeWithLongColumn_string, user_string, v8compatible_string, xa_trans_loose
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static java.lang.String getBuildDate()
          Returns a String that specifies exactly when the jar file was built.
static java.lang.String getDriverVersion()
          Returns a String that specifies the Oracle version number of the driver.
static java.lang.String getJDBCVersion()
          Returns a String that specifies the version of the JDBC spec supporte by the driver.
static boolean isDebug()
          Returns true if this jar includes debug code.
static boolean isDMS()
          Returns true if this jar includes DMS instrumentaion.
static boolean isInServer()
          Returns true if this jar was built to run in the Oracle Java VM.
static boolean isJDK14()
static boolean isPrivateDebug()
          Returns true if this jar includes Oracle internal debug code.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
          Prints a description of the Oracle JDBC driver .jar file to System.out.
Methods inherited from class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
acceptsURL, connect, defaultConnection, getCompileTime, getMajorVersion, getMinorVersion, getPropertyInfo, getSystemPropertyFastConnectionFailover, jdbcCompliant, processSqlEscapes, registerMBeans
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String BUILD_DATE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final boolean TRACE
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public OracleDriver()
Method Detail


public static final boolean isDMS()
Returns true if this jar includes DMS instrumentaion.

true if DMS jar


public static final boolean isInServer()
Returns true if this jar was built to run in the Oracle Java VM.

true if server jar


public static final boolean isJDK14()

Returns true if this is a JDK 1.4 or later compliant jar. Since JDK 1.3 is desupported, always returns true.



public static final boolean isDebug()
Returns true if this jar includes debug code.

true if debug jar


public static final boolean isPrivateDebug()
Returns true if this jar includes Oracle internal debug code.

true if private debug jar


public static final java.lang.String getJDBCVersion()
Returns a String that specifies the version of the JDBC spec supporte by the driver.

JDBC spec version


public static final java.lang.String getDriverVersion()
Returns a String that specifies the Oracle version number of the driver.

version number


public static final java.lang.String getBuildDate()
Returns a String that specifies exactly when the jar file was built.

build date


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Prints a description of the Oracle JDBC driver .jar file to System.out.

args - Ignored

Oracle JDBC API Reference
11g Release 2 ("")

Copyright © 1998, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.