Step 1: Creating a New Workspace and Project

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In this section, you will be introduced to the JDeveloper integrated development environment.

In JDeveloper, the source code files that make up your programs can be organized into projects. A project can contain one or more files representing different "tiers" of a multi-tier application, or different subsystems of a very complex application. Projects, in turn, are organized into workspaces. A workspace might consist of multiple projects, all of which make up an entire application. You can have as many workspaces as you like open at one time.

When you launch JDeveloper for the first time, you should see the System Navigator docked on the left. The Navigator is the main point of interaction with your source files. From it, you can create new objects, import files, launch editors for a specific object, create connections, and so on. Within it, you organize your files in terms of workspaces and projects.

To create a new workspace and project:

  1. In the Navigator, select the Workspaces node.
  2. From the main menu, choose File | New, or right-click and choose New from the context menu.

    The New Gallery appears, containing objects and other source files or tools you create to populate and manage your projects.

  3. In the Categories tree, expand General and select Projects.
  4. In the Items list, select Workspace.
  5. Click OK to launch the New Workspace dialog.
  6. In the New Workspace dialog, note the defaults for the workspace directory and for the workspace file. Make sure that the option labeled Add a New Empty Project is selected.

    By default, JDeveloper creates a folder entitled mywork, within which it stores all your project and workspace files. The directory structure is Workspacen/Projectn/src for source files and Workspacen/Projectn/classes for compiled files. The .java and .class files are stored by package, in src and classes respectively.

    The workspace and project container files (.jws and .jpr, respectively) are stored at the first level of Workspacen and Projectn for each workspace and project. These container files store metainformation for the workspace and project, the settings for each and a listing of the contained files. The .jpr file for a standard project maintains a list of that projects contents, as well as the project settings you have defined. The .jpr for a project based upon a directory (sometimes called a dynamic project) contains only the project settings. Projects based upon directories derive their contents actively from the current directory.

    You can also choose to save your files outside JDeveloper by redirecting JDeveloper to this location. Every time you save your files, this directory, whether inside or outside JDeveloper, is updated. But note that the .jws and .jpr files do not update unless you explicitly save them or save all files.

  7. Click OK to accept the default values and launch the New Project dialog.
  8. In the New Project dialog, click OK to accept the defaults for the project directory and the project file.

    The new workspace and its project are displayed in the Navigator.

Now that you have a skeletal workspace and project, you are ready for the next task, Step 2: Creating a User Interface.