About Creating Stubs to Web Services

JDeveloper makes it easy to use a web service in your application by allowing you to create a stub or proxy to the service with the Web Service Stub/Skeleton wizard. You can launch the wizard wherever you have located or created a web service. Alternatively, you can launch the wizard directly and just enter the URL for the web service, or use the Find Web Service wizard to locate web service in a UDDI registry.

JDeveloper automatically generates the correct type of stub for an RPC or document type web service.

From time to time you may want to regenerate your Java stub files, for example, if the WSDL document has been updated. For more information, see Regenerating Generated Stub Files.

You may find that when you run a stub you have created to a web service that you may have found, for example, in a UDDI registry or on a list of web services on the Internet, you get errors. What you need to be aware of is that web services standards are still evolving, and in some cases the web service may not conform to these standards. In other cases, it might be that the server on which the service runs works to different standards. If a web service stub that you have created in JDeveloper gives an error, you should examine the error message to see what the problem is. You should also consider creating a stub to another web service that provides a similar service, and that will run without problems.

Only certain types of object can be passed to and from web services. For more information about these objects and to find out how to create a custom serializer for objects that are not supported, see Java Classes and Web Services.

Creating Stubs to EJB Web Services

When you create a stub for an EJB web service that uses JavaBean parameters, the JavaBean must implement the java.io.Serializable interface.


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