Extension SDK 10.1.2

Interface BrowseablePaths

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public interface BrowseablePaths
extends Browseable

Extension of Browseable interface that allows the Node to specify multiple custom browseable paths that should be used when constructing the target URL.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getBrowseablePath(int index)
          Returns the context-relative path, at the specified index, that should be used for browsing the object that is being run in the embedded server.
 int getBrowseablePathCount()
          Returns the number of browseable paths.
 Displayable getDisplayable(int index)
          Returns the Displayable that represents the browseable path at the specified index.

Method Detail


public int getBrowseablePathCount()
Returns the number of browseable paths.


public Displayable getDisplayable(int index)
Returns the Displayable that represents the browseable path at the specified index.


public java.lang.String getBrowseablePath(int index)
Returns the context-relative path, at the specified index, that should be used for browsing the object that is being run in the embedded server.

The returned string should not begin with a "/" unless an extra "/" in the target URL is needed. For example, if getBrowseablePath() returns "foo/bar.abc", the target URL will be of the form: http://localhost:8988/Workspace1-Project1-context-root/foo/bar.abc If getBrowseablePath() returns "/foo/bar.abc", the target URL will be of the form (note the extra "/" before "foo"): http://localhost:8988/Workspace1-Project1-context-root//foo/bar.abc

Extension SDK


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