Extension SDK 10.1.2

Class JProjectConfiguration

  extended byoracle.ide.model.DefaultSubDirtyable
      extended byoracle.jdeveloper.model.JProjectConfiguration
All Implemented Interfaces:
Copyable, Dirtyable, SubDirtyable

public class JProjectConfiguration
extends DefaultSubDirtyable
implements Copyable

This class represents a single project configuration. Each project may have one or more configurations. The structure of a configuration is determined by the individual configurable components that have been registered through the API provided via the registerConfigData(String, Class) method.

The structure of the UI used to edit the configurable components is specified separately through the registerConfigUI(Navigable) method. Generally, the structure of the UI will be parallel to the structure of the data, but the API does not require this since screen space often dictates how the UI is organized.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String DATA_KEY
static java.lang.String PROJECT_LIBRARIES_DATA_KEY
static java.lang.String PROJECT_PATHS_DATA_KEY
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor required for JavaBean status.
JProjectConfiguration(JProjectConfiguration projectConfiguration)
          Copy constructor.
Method Summary
 boolean addLibrary(java.lang.String library)
 java.lang.Object copyTo(java.lang.Object object)
          Copies the internal state of this object to the specified copy.
protected  void copyToImpl(JProjectConfiguration copy)
 URLPath currentAdditionalClassPath()
          Deprecated. -- Call getAdditionalClassPath() instead.
 java.lang.String currentLibraries()
          Deprecated. -- Call getLibraries() instead.
 java.net.URL currentOutputDirectory()
          Deprecated. -- Call getOutputDirectory() instead.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
protected  boolean equalsImpl(JProjectConfiguration config)
          This is a helper method for equals(Object) that can also be used by subclasses that implement equals(Object).
 URLPath getAdditionalClassPath()
 URLPath getClassPath()
          Deprecated. -- Use the project's getClassPath method instead. This method will not include the dependencies class path.
 URLPath getCompileClassPath()
          Deprecated. -- Use the project's getClassPath method instead. This method will not include the dependencies class path.
 java.util.Map getConfigData()
 java.lang.Object getConfigDataByName(java.lang.String dataKey)
 URLPath getDocPath()
          Deprecated. -- Use the project's getClassPath method instead. This method will not include the dependencies doc path.
 JDK getJdkDefinition()
 java.lang.String getJdkName()
 VersionNumber getJdkVersionNumber()
 java.lang.String getLibraries()
 java.lang.String[] getLibraryList()
 java.net.URL getOutputDirectory()
 URLPath getRunClassPath()
          Deprecated. -- Use the project's getRunClassPath method instead. This method will not include the dependencies class path.
 URLPath getSourcePath()
          Deprecated. This method will not include the dependencies source path nor the project source path. It is recommended that you use JProject.getSourcePath() if you need this extra information otherwise you should be calling JProjectConfiguration#getJdkAndLibrariesSourcePath() which has equivalent behavior to this method.
 void initialize()
          Initialization of JProjectConfiguration is a fairly expensive operation and is often not needed at runtime, especially if the state of JProjectConfiguration is being loaded from persistent storage or is being copied from another JProjectConfiguration.
static void registerConfigData(java.lang.String dataKey, java.lang.Class dataClass)
          This method is part of the API that allows the per configuration project data to be specified dynamically.
static void registerConfigUI(Navigable ui)
          This method is part of the API that allows the per configuration UI for the project properties dialog to be specified dynamically.
 boolean removeLibrary(java.lang.String library)
 void setAdditionalClassPath(URLPath additionalClassPath)
 void setConfigData(java.util.Map configData)
 void setJdkName(java.lang.String jdkVersion)
 void setJdkVersionNumber(VersionNumber jdkVersion)
 void setLibraries(java.lang.String libraries)
 void setLibraryList(java.lang.String[] libraries)
 void setOutputDirectory(java.net.URL outputDirectory)
 void setOwner(Dirtyable owner)
          This method should be called to set the document in which a SubDirtyable implementation will be persisted.
Methods inherited from class oracle.ide.model.DefaultSubDirtyable
getOwner, isDirty, markDirty
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String PROJECT_PATHS_DATA_KEY


public static final java.lang.String PROJECT_LIBRARIES_DATA_KEY


public static final java.lang.String DATA_KEY
Constructor Detail


public JProjectConfiguration()
Default constructor required for JavaBean status. The client must invoke initialize() if an initialized instance of JProjectConfiguration is needed.


public JProjectConfiguration(JProjectConfiguration projectConfiguration)
Copy constructor.

Method Detail


public void initialize()
Initialization of JProjectConfiguration is a fairly expensive operation and is often not needed at runtime, especially if the state of JProjectConfiguration is being loaded from persistent storage or is being copied from another JProjectConfiguration. If an initialized instance of JProjectConfiguration is needed, this initialize method must be called after the constructor.


public java.lang.Object copyTo(java.lang.Object object)
Description copied from interface: Copyable
Copies the internal state of this object to the specified copy. If copy is null, then this method should create a new instance of this class and proceed to copy the internal state to the newly created object. Generally, only the persistent state of the object should be copied, but whether or not it is appropriate to copy transient properties is at the discretion of the individual implementor.

Regardless of whether the copy occurs to an existing object or to a newly created object, the return value is object to which this object's state was copied.

There is a standard implementation pattern for the copyTo method that helps avoid problems that arise when a Copyable object is subclassed. The pattern is:

public Object copyTo( Object target )
final <this_class> copy =
target != null ? (<this_class>) target : new <this_class>();
copyToImpl( copy );
return copy;
} protected final void copyToImpl( <this_class> copy ) { super.copyToImpl( copy ); // if necessary // put code here for copying the properties of <this_class> }
The parameter passed into the copyToImpl method is the same type of this class. The responsibility of copyToImpl is to copy the state of this class through direct access of the fields. The copyToImpl method should not use getters and setters since these may be overridden, causing the state of this class to be incompletely copied.

Specified by:
copyTo in interface Copyable
object - The target object to which the state of this object should be copied. If target is null, then the copyTo method will return a new instance of this class.
The object to which the state of this object was copied. If the target was non-null, then the return value is the same as the target object that was passed in; otherwise, the return value is a new instance of this class.


protected final void copyToImpl(JProjectConfiguration copy)


public java.util.Map getConfigData()


public void setConfigData(java.util.Map configData)


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)


protected final boolean equalsImpl(JProjectConfiguration config)
This is a helper method for equals(Object) that can also be used by subclasses that implement equals(Object). It assumes that the argument is not null.


public java.lang.Object getConfigDataByName(java.lang.String dataKey)


public java.net.URL getOutputDirectory()
                                throws TransientMarker


public void setOutputDirectory(java.net.URL outputDirectory)


public URLPath getAdditionalClassPath()
                               throws TransientMarker


public void setAdditionalClassPath(URLPath additionalClassPath)


public java.lang.String getJdkName()
                            throws TransientMarker


public void setJdkName(java.lang.String jdkVersion)


public VersionNumber getJdkVersionNumber()
                                  throws TransientMarker


public void setJdkVersionNumber(VersionNumber jdkVersion)


public java.lang.String getLibraries()
                              throws TransientMarker



public void setLibraries(java.lang.String libraries)


public java.lang.String[] getLibraryList()
                                  throws TransientMarker


public void setLibraryList(java.lang.String[] libraries)


public boolean addLibrary(java.lang.String library)


public boolean removeLibrary(java.lang.String library)


public URLPath getSourcePath()
Deprecated. This method will not include the dependencies source path nor the project source path. It is recommended that you use JProject.getSourcePath() if you need this extra information otherwise you should be calling JProjectConfiguration#getJdkAndLibrariesSourcePath() which has equivalent behavior to this method.


public JDK getJdkDefinition()


public URLPath getClassPath()
Deprecated. -- Use the project's getClassPath method instead. This method will not include the dependencies class path.


public URLPath getRunClassPath()
Deprecated. -- Use the project's getRunClassPath method instead. This method will not include the dependencies class path.


public URLPath getDocPath()
Deprecated. -- Use the project's getClassPath method instead. This method will not include the dependencies doc path.


public URLPath getCompileClassPath()
Deprecated. -- Use the project's getClassPath method instead. This method will not include the dependencies class path.


public void setOwner(Dirtyable owner)
Description copied from interface: SubDirtyable
This method should be called to set the document in which a SubDirtyable implementation will be persisted.

Specified by:
setOwner in interface SubDirtyable
setOwner in class DefaultSubDirtyable


public static void registerConfigData(java.lang.String dataKey,
                                      java.lang.Class dataClass)
This method is part of the API that allows the per configuration project data to be specified dynamically. The specified dataKey is used to locate the data object within a Map that contains all dynamically registered per configuration data objects.


public static void registerConfigUI(Navigable ui)
This method is part of the API that allows the per configuration UI for the project properties dialog to be specified dynamically.


public java.net.URL currentOutputDirectory()
Deprecated. -- Call getOutputDirectory() instead.


public URLPath currentAdditionalClassPath()
Deprecated. -- Call getAdditionalClassPath() instead.


public java.lang.String currentLibraries()
Deprecated. -- Call getLibraries() instead.

Extension SDK


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