Extension SDK 10.1.2

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ConnectionWrapper
oracle.jdeveloper.cm Runtime portion of the JDeveloper Named Connection Manager. 

Uses of ConnectionWrapper in oracle.jdeveloper.cm

Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.cm that implement ConnectionWrapper
 class AbstractConnectionWrapper
          AbstractConnectionWrapper is a generic object which implements part of the ConnectionWrapper.
 class IasRemoteDcmConnectionWrapper
 class JdbcConnectionWrapper
          JdbcConnectionWrapper is a wrapper object used by ConnectionManager and helps manage the use of shared connections.
 class JndiConnectionWrapper
          JndiConnectionWrapper implements ConnectionWrapper and provides functionality for connecting to a JNDI Content

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.cm that return ConnectionWrapper
 ConnectionWrapper IasRemoteDcmConnectionFactory.createConnection(ConnectionDescriptor desc, ConnectInfoPrompter prompter, ConnectionManager cm)
 ConnectionWrapper JndiConnectionFactory.createConnection(ConnectionDescriptor descriptor, ConnectInfoPrompter prompter, ConnectionManager manager)
          returns a newly created JndiConnectionWrapper.
 ConnectionWrapper ConnectionFactory.createConnection(ConnectionDescriptor descriptor, ConnectInfoPrompter prompter, ConnectionManager manager)
          creates a ConnectionWrapper object.
 ConnectionWrapper JdbcConnectionFactory.createConnection(ConnectionDescriptor descriptor, ConnectInfoPrompter prompter, ConnectionManager manager)
          returns a newly created JdbcConnectionWrapper.
 ConnectionWrapper ConnectionManager.getConnection(java.lang.String name)
          returns the named connection.
 ConnectionWrapper ConnectionManager.getConnection(java.lang.String name, ConnectInfoPrompter prompter)
          Returns the named connection.
 ConnectionWrapper ConnectionManager.getConnection(java.lang.String name, java.util.Properties properties)
          returns a private connection based upon the specified name.  This function allows the user to also specify a property object which includes properties which should add to and/or replace existing properties within the named connection.
 ConnectionWrapper ConnectionManager.getConnection(java.lang.String name, java.util.Properties properties, ConnectInfoPrompter prompter)
          returns a private connection based upon the specified name.  This function allows the user to also specify a property object which includes properties which should add to and/or replace existing properties within the named connection.  Also, ConnectionManager uses prompter instead of the current default prompting mechanism.
 ConnectionWrapper ConnectionManager.getConnection(ConnectionDescriptor descriptor)
          Returns a private connection using the specified connection descriptor.
 ConnectionWrapper ConnectionManager.getConnection(ConnectionDescriptor descriptor, ConnectInfoPrompter prompter)
          returns a private connection using the specified connection descriptor.

Extension SDK


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