Extension SDK 10.1.2

Class ZigZagLinePainter

  extended byoracle.javatools.editor.underline.SimpleLinePainter
      extended byoracle.javatools.editor.underline.ZigZagLinePainter
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ZigZagLinePainter
extends SimpleLinePainter

The ZigZagLinePainter is an implementation of the UnderlinePainter which paints a zigzag underline of a given thickness..

Field Summary
static int MIN_THICKNESS
          The minimum thickness that can be specified to the zigzag painter
Fields inherited from class oracle.javatools.editor.underline.SimpleLinePainter
fromBaseline, MAX_THICKNESS, thickness
Constructor Summary
ZigZagLinePainter(int thickness, boolean fromBaseline)
          Constructs a new ZigZagLinePainter of the specified thickness.
Method Summary
 void paintUnderline(java.awt.Graphics graphics, java.awt.Color color, int xPos, int width, int yBaseline, int descent)
          Paints the underline using this implementation of the UnderlinePainter.
Methods inherited from class oracle.javatools.editor.underline.SimpleLinePainter
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int MIN_THICKNESS
The minimum thickness that can be specified to the zigzag painter

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ZigZagLinePainter(int thickness,
                         boolean fromBaseline)
Constructs a new ZigZagLinePainter of the specified thickness. Any thickness less than MIN_THICKNESS will be automatically increased.

thickness - the thickness of the line to paint
fromBaseline - true if the underline extends from the baseline
Method Detail


public void paintUnderline(java.awt.Graphics graphics,
                           java.awt.Color color,
                           int xPos,
                           int width,
                           int yBaseline,
                           int descent)
Paints the underline using this implementation of the UnderlinePainter.

Specified by:
paintUnderline in interface UnderlinePainter
paintUnderline in class SimpleLinePainter
graphics - the graphics context to paint into
color - the color to use for painting the underline
xPos - the x position to start painting from
width - the width of the underline to paint
yBaseline - the y position of the baseline of the text we are drawing an underline for
descent - the descent of the font the text was drawn with

Extension SDK


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