Extension SDK 10.1.2

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Insight
oracle.javatools.editor.insight The Code Insight package is a subset of the Editor package, and is the starting base for a code insight implementation to provide the user with code assistance features. 

Uses of Insight in oracle.javatools.editor.insight

Classes in oracle.javatools.editor.insight that implement Insight
 class AbstractInsight
          The AbstractInsight class provides some of the common functionality of all Insight implementations, such as handling the delayed timer, trapping of editor commands, displaying of the Insight window, and so on.

Methods in oracle.javatools.editor.insight with parameters of type Insight
 boolean TooltipInsightView.complete(Insight insight)
 boolean InsightView.complete(Insight insight)
          Command to accept (complete) the current insight selection into the document.
 boolean ListInsightView.complete(Insight insight)

Extension SDK


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