Extension SDK 10.1.2

Package oracle.ide.wizard

Contains classes internally used by JDeveloper, these classes should not be used by addin developers.


Interface Summary
BasicWizardPage BasicWizardPage is an interface that must be implemented by pages used by a BasicWizard implementation.

Class Summary
TitledWizardContent Deprecated. use oracle.bali.ewt.wizard.TitledWizardPage
TitledWizardDialog WizardDialog subclass which controls whether the welcome page is the first selected page when you run the wizard dialog.
WizardTitleLabel Deprecated. use oracle.bali.ewt.wizard.TitledWizardPage
WizardWelcomePage A subclass of oracle.bali.ewt.wizard.WelcomeWizardPage which provides support for persisting the "show this page next time" option in the IDE settings.
WizardWelcomeSettings Settings that define whether a wizard welcome page is displayed.

Package oracle.ide.wizard Description

Contains classes internally used by JDeveloper, these classes should not be used by addin developers. Classes under the oracle.bali.ewt.wizard package should be used instead of these classes.

Related Documentation

See documentation for the oracle.bali.ewt.wizard package

Extension SDK


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