Extension SDK 10.1.2

Interface WebUpdateManager

public interface WebUpdateManager

A WebUpdateManager implementation provides access to functionality for getting and installing updates (patches and extensions) into the IDE. To retrieve an implementation of this interface, call getWebUpdateManager() on the AddinManager class.

Method Summary
 boolean invokeUpdateWizard(java.awt.Component parent)
          Invoke the IDE update wizard.

Method Detail


public boolean invokeUpdateWizard(java.awt.Component parent)
Invoke the IDE update wizard.

The update wizard may need to shut down the IDE to complete update installation. If so, it will return true from this method. You should ask the user if they want to shut down and cleanly terminate the IDE if they agree.

parent - a component on which to parent the wizard.
true if the IDE needs to be restarted to complete installation

Extension SDK


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