Extension SDK 10.1.2

Class GuidGen

  extended byoracle.ide.util.GuidGen

public class GuidGen
extends java.lang.Object

This static class provided utilties for generation and manipulation of DFC style Globally Unique Identifiers, using the original HP/OSF UUID reference implemenation as a basis. Since the Java runtime does not allow access to the full IEEE 802 48-bit ethernet address of a host (if indeed there is one) this implementation attempts to use the 32-bit IP number in the first instance, and defaults to the sample pseudo-unique algorithm if the IP address is not available.
A native method-based extension will be provided in due course to provide true GUID values.

Field Summary
static int GUID_LENGTH
          The length of a raw GUID byte array
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void byteToHex(java.lang.StringBuffer buff, byte byteVal)
          Coverts the specified byte value to a hexadecimal representaion, and appends this to the specified String buffer.
static byte[] toRaw(java.lang.String strUUID)
          Convert a standard UUID string representation to a raw 16-byte UUID.
static java.lang.String toString(byte[] uuidRaw)
          Convert a raw UUID to a standard string representation.
static byte[] uuidCreate()
          Generate a raw 128-bit (16-byte) UUID.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int GUID_LENGTH
The length of a raw GUID byte array

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public GuidGen()
Method Detail


public static byte[] uuidCreate()
Generate a raw 128-bit (16-byte) UUID.

a raw 16-byte UUID


public static java.lang.String toString(byte[] uuidRaw)
Convert a raw UUID to a standard string representation.

uuidRaw - A raw 16-byte UUID
String representation of the UUID. Null on failure.


public static byte[] toRaw(java.lang.String strUUID)
Convert a standard UUID string representation to a raw 16-byte UUID.

strUUID - A standard string representation of a UUID
a raw 16-byte UUID. Null on failure


public static void byteToHex(java.lang.StringBuffer buff,
                             byte byteVal)
Coverts the specified byte value to a hexadecimal representaion, and appends this to the specified String buffer.

buff - the StringBuffer
byteVal - the byte value to be converted.

Extension SDK


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