Extension SDK 10.1.2

Class InspectorManager

  extended byoracle.ide.MultiManager
      extended byoracle.ide.PinnableManager
          extended byoracle.ide.inspector.InspectorManager
All Implemented Interfaces:
Controller, Module

public abstract class InspectorManager
extends PinnableManager

The InspectorManager manages property inspector views.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static InspectorManager getInspectorManager()
          Returns the InspectorManager instance that is active in the IDE.
static void setInspectorManager(InspectorManager inspectorManager)
          Publishes the specified InspectorManager as the active instance in the IDE.
abstract  boolean supportsInspection(View view)
          Check if the specified View supports inspection of the selected elements in its Context.
Methods inherited from class oracle.ide.PinnableManager
handleEvent, showLastView, showView, update
Methods inherited from class oracle.ide.MultiManager
createDockableView, createShowAction, createToggleToolbarAction, findOrCreateView, findView, getDefaultName, getDefaultViewId, getDockableFactory, getLastView, getNewView, getOrientation, getRelativeView, getShowAction, getToggleToolbarMenuWeight, getViewCategory, getViewId, getViews, initialize, isToolbarVisible, setToolbarVisible
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public InspectorManager()
Method Detail


public static InspectorManager getInspectorManager()
Returns the InspectorManager instance that is active in the IDE.


public static void setInspectorManager(InspectorManager inspectorManager)
Publishes the specified InspectorManager as the active instance in the IDE.


public abstract boolean supportsInspection(View view)
Check if the specified View supports inspection of the selected elements in its Context.

view - the View to validate.
true if the View supports inspection upon its selection.

Extension SDK


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