Extension SDK 10.1.2

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Editor
oracle.ide.editor Contains classes and interfaces that allow addins to add their own specialized editors to JDeveloper. 
oracle.ide.palette Contains classes that allow for palette integration and commands. 
oracle.jdeveloper.ceditor The Code Editor package contains the code editing implementation of the JDeveloper IDE. 
oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt.addin Contains base implementations of addin interfaces. 
oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor Contains classes that allow addins access to the UIEditor integration objects. 

Uses of Editor in oracle.ide.editor

Subinterfaces of Editor in oracle.ide.editor
 interface FlatEditor
          Defines an Editor that wants to participate in the improved windowing of JDeveloper 9.0.5

Classes in oracle.ide.editor that implement Editor
 class AbstractEditor
 class AbstractFlatEditor

Methods in oracle.ide.editor that return Editor
static Editor EditorUtil.openExplicitEditorInFrame(java.lang.Class editorClass, Context context)
          Opens the specified editor and makes the document 'explicit'
static Editor EditorUtil.openExplicitDefaultEditorInFrame(Node node)
          Opens the specified editor and makes the document 'explicit'
static Editor EditorUtil.openDefaultEditorInFrameExternal(java.net.URL url)
          Open the item at the specified URL in its default Editor, and add that item to the top-level 'Miscellaneous Files' folder.
static Editor EditorUtil.openDefaultEditorInFrame(java.net.URL url)
          Open the specified URL using the default editor.
static Editor EditorUtil.openDefaultEditorInFrame(Element element)
          Open the specified element using the default editor.
static Editor EditorUtil.openDefaultEditorInFrame(Node node)
          Open the specified node using the default editor.
static Editor EditorUtil.openDefaultEditorInFrame(Node node, Context context)
          Open the specified node using the default editor.
 Editor EditorInfo._getEditor()
 Editor EditorFrame.getEditor(int index)
          Fetches the Editor instance at the given index in our tabbed pane
 Editor EditorFrame.getEditorBySelOrder(int index)
          Fetches the Editor instance at the given index in our tabbed pane
 Editor EditorFrame.getCurrentEditor()
          Fetches the current editor whose tab is selected in this frame.
 Editor EditorManager.openDefaultEditorInFrameExternal(java.net.URL url)
          Deprecated. replaced by EditorUtil.openDefaultEditorInFrame(URL)
 Editor EditorManager.openDefaultEditorInFrame(java.net.URL url)
          Open the specified URL using the default editor.
 Editor EditorManager.openDefaultEditorInFrame(Element element)
          Deprecated. replaced by EditorUtil.openDefaultEditorInFrame(Element)
 Editor EditorManager.openDefaultEditorInFrame(Node node)
          Deprecated. replaced by EditorUtil.openDefaultEditorInFrame(Node)
abstract  Editor EditorManager.openDefaultEditorInFrame(Context context)
          Opens the specified file (context) using the default registered editor class for this node type.
abstract  Editor EditorManager.openEditorInFrame(java.lang.Class editorClass, Context context)
          Opens the specified file (context) using the specified editor class (editorClass.) The new editor frame will be opened in the active editor tabbed frame (if one exists.) If there is no active editor desktop, or editor tabbed frame, one will be created automatically.
abstract  Editor EditorManager.getCurrentEditor()
          Returns the currently active editor.

Methods in oracle.ide.editor with parameters of type Editor
 void EditorListener.editorOpened(Editor editor)
          Notify listeners that a new Editor has been opened.
 void EditorListener.editorActivated(Editor editor)
          Notify listeners that an existing Editor has been activated.
 void EditorListener.editorDeactivated(Editor editor)
          Notify listeners that an existing Editor listener is de-activated.
 void EditorListener.editorClosed(Editor editor)
          Notify listeners that an existing Editor is being closed.
 boolean EditorFrame.activateEditor(Editor editor)
          Activates the given editor and raises it to the front.
 void EditorFrame.closeEditor(Editor editor)
          Closes the editor and removes the tab from the frame.
 void EditorFrame.displayEditorAsStale(Editor editor)
          Display a glass pane over the given Editor such that the user is provided with a visual cue that that Editor is out of date and is prevented from interacting with it.
abstract  EditorFrame EditorManager.getEditorFrame(Editor editor)
          Returns the frame containing the editor
abstract  void EditorManager.setExplicit(Editor editor, boolean bExplicit)
          Set the editor as explicit or implicit.
 boolean EditorManager.isAutoSyncOn(Editor editor)
          Deprecated. autoSync no longer needs to be configurable by the user. Editor must implement editorHidden and editorShown to know if they need to refresh the UI.
 boolean EditorManager.maySyncEditor(Editor editor)
          Deprecated. see EditorManager.isAutoSyncOn(oracle.ide.editor.Editor)
 void EditorManager.disable(Editor editor)
          Deprecated. see EditorManager.isAutoSyncOn(oracle.ide.editor.Editor)

Uses of Editor in oracle.ide.palette

Methods in oracle.ide.palette that return Editor
 Editor PaletteWindow.getEditor()

Methods in oracle.ide.palette with parameters of type Editor
 void PaletteDisplayableListener.paletteDisplayed(Context context, Editor editor)

Uses of Editor in oracle.jdeveloper.ceditor

Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.ceditor that implement Editor
 class CodeEditor
          The CodeEditor is the integration layer between the IDE and the editor components to provide a code editor inside the IDE.

Uses of Editor in oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt.addin

Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.cm.dt.addin that implement Editor
 class AbstractConnectionEditor
          AbstractConnectionEditor provides a base class that can be used when creating new Editor implementations that work against a database connection.

Uses of Editor in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor

Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor that implement Editor
 class UIEditor
          Editor implementation whose visuals depict the GUI declared in a JavaSourceNode instance.

Extension SDK


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